Well it's time for cable & satellite tv providers to just drop ABC / Disney / ESPNand you will see how fast ABC would be willing to renegotiate, with loss of viewers not too mention advertising revenue, sounds like TV providers have really nothing to lose if ABC is playing hardball.
The channels are too popular so they won't drop them. ABC/Disney knows this. If they did drop them all that would happen is the subscriber would get screwed and look for some other option. We went though all this on C band with ABC Family, Disney and ESPN. The program providers refused to pay Disney the high costs and the channels disappeared and that was that. People got cable or DBS to get them. So what happened is the ones that wanted them just shifted the dollars to a different source and ABC/Disney still got payed.
I'm not condoning the price gouging going on, it's ridiculous. The only way it would stop is if 90% or more of everyone with cable & satellite would cut the cord. That won't happen, people need their fix. The only cheaper alternative was c band but now through a bunch of dirty deals they just about have exhausted the options for cable programming there that you can subscribe to. So were stuck as is unless everyone bowed out.