BFG's numbers were well stated.
Option A) Upgrade to $49 leased 211, pay $56 a month for HD Bronze & Lease fee.
Option B) Sell 811, buy 211, pay $36 for HD Standalone pack.
Let's say you could sell the 811 for $125 and get the 211 for $379.
Over two years the cost comparison would be:
Option A) $1393
Option B) $1118
Over three years:
Option A) $2065
Option B) $1550
[Late Insert]
Option C) Stay with old receiver on $20 HD Pak: 3 years - $720
Assuming that Dish offers MPEG2 HD programming for another 3 years, which is doubtful.
So it comes down to what value the AT60 package is to you. Let's look at the three year comparison. You would be getting AT60 for 3 years for an additional $515, or $14.30 a month. That's a bit less than half of what Dish charges for it. So if you watch a fair amount of AT60 channels (in SD) then it's a good price. But if you watch little AT60 SD content, then its a waste of money.