Since the Olympics, Dish HD has deteriorated immensely. Last night on HDNET Movies I watched Oxygen, which has a lot of closeup facial shots. The overcompression aritfacts were readily apparent, whenever a face was still, the picture was fantastic, but with the slightest movement, all detail would disappear and the skin would appear to "smear". Also there is a scene where they open a matchbox and it has "Room 10" written inside the matchbook cover and there was an extreme closeup of this and the "Room 10", which was written in dark ink, appeared to "float" around in space.
Dish needs to get off their ass and devote a constant bitrate for HD. I emailed Mark Cuban, Charlie Ergen, Dish Tech, Dish Feedback and Dish PQ twice now and have not even had the courtesy of a return email.
I dropped Dish SD programming about a year ago after suffering through several years of highly overcompressed programming and I will not stand for it with HD. If need be, I will drop the Dish HD Pack as well, I don't need this crap. Voom and OTA are my last hope for good HD and Voom is not yet delivering that, hopefully with the WM9 implementation I can be a Happy HD Camper once again.

Dish needs to get off their ass and devote a constant bitrate for HD. I emailed Mark Cuban, Charlie Ergen, Dish Tech, Dish Feedback and Dish PQ twice now and have not even had the courtesy of a return email.

I dropped Dish SD programming about a year ago after suffering through several years of highly overcompressed programming and I will not stand for it with HD. If need be, I will drop the Dish HD Pack as well, I don't need this crap. Voom and OTA are my last hope for good HD and Voom is not yet delivering that, hopefully with the WM9 implementation I can be a Happy HD Camper once again.