So, they want retransmission fees, but get pissed that auto hop is taking away revenue. These stations need to get their story strait. Either commercials bring in the revenue needed and retransmission fees are a total freaking joke. Or commercials don't pay the bills, retransmission fees are needed to make revenue, and stop crying about auto-hop. I know that I have flaws in my logic, just as why not having auto-hop for Comedy Central, RSNs, TBS, USA, etc. Well my deal is this, since the signal is given away for free, retransmission fees are a total joke. I made many analogies over this topic. My favorite is how cafeteria workers at schools will give lunches to students, but say said student doesn't like it and gives it to a friend, the lunch lady will force the friend to pay for the lunch. Listen, you gave it away for free. If the kid wants to eat it, throw it away, give it away, have a food fight with it, or blow his snots all over it is his decision. Once you gave it away you lose rights to cry and moan about how it is used.