You must not get it. The 3 smilies, that is. 

No aggression here, just playing the devils advocate.
I read a ton of posts from installers that are just complaints, some of which are completely valid and some, like this one, where the installer in question is dead to rights.
Look at it this way:
You go out to a restaurant. Sit down and order. You wait for your food for hours. And then the waiter comes over and says "oh geez, so sorry, your food will be ready in another 3 hours."
It is not the waiter that is at fault? The customer is wrong for not wanting to wait another 3 hours?
I throw the BS flag on that one. (that would be a sweet emoticon....

The OP has a valid complaint. I would be freaking livid. There is no way someone is coming to my house @ 10:30 pm and installing TV.
If the earliest the installer can get back out there is Wednesday, than that is the way it is - no argument there, it is not 08:00 am Tuesday guy's fault that 5:00 pm Monday guy got screwed.
My argument is against those saying that there is nothing wrong with an installer not showing up when they are supposed to be there. That is the problem I would have, if I were in the OP's shoes.

No aggression here, just playing the devils advocate.
I read a ton of posts from installers that are just complaints, some of which are completely valid and some, like this one, where the installer in question is dead to rights.
Look at it this way:
You go out to a restaurant. Sit down and order. You wait for your food for hours. And then the waiter comes over and says "oh geez, so sorry, your food will be ready in another 3 hours."
It is not the waiter that is at fault? The customer is wrong for not wanting to wait another 3 hours?
I throw the BS flag on that one. (that would be a sweet emoticon....

The OP has a valid complaint. I would be freaking livid. There is no way someone is coming to my house @ 10:30 pm and installing TV.
If the earliest the installer can get back out there is Wednesday, than that is the way it is - no argument there, it is not 08:00 am Tuesday guy's fault that 5:00 pm Monday guy got screwed.
My argument is against those saying that there is nothing wrong with an installer not showing up when they are supposed to be there. That is the problem I would have, if I were in the OP's shoes.