Dish Expands High Definition Package

DWS44 said:
Has anyone inquired as to the cost of having a dish installed @ 61.5? I haven't had time to call and sit on hold yet.

There's really no way to inquire since the CSR's don't know anything yet. Historically, Dish would provide the extra dish for free with a programming commitment....

Yes, if you have locals on the wing Dish HAS to give you the dish for free... But are you're locals on 148 or 61.5? Are the voom channels going to be on 148?

Not that many markets have split locals (110 + wing).
This is great, no matter who your provider is!!!!!

I have never had E*, but certainly will now. However, it strikes me that this is great news no matter who you are if you are interested in HD. D* will most certainly have to follow suit or develop their own nets (with Fox, of course). Additionally, the cable co's certainly turned a "blind eye" toward VOOM, but can't do that with E*. So, I can see more HD coming quickly- no matter who the provider is.
The winner is the consumer. This is much more than Voom could have stirred up alone by adding 50-100K customers per year!

See Voomer's, it is really darkest right before the dawn!
cdru said:
Give your HOA the finger when you also give them the FCC OTARD rules. You can have a 2nd dish.

Yes, I don't think the HOA can regulate the number of antennas. I currently have....

Dish 500
Dish 148
Wireless Broadband

No complaints yet, but my neighbors are nice, and not all are visible from the front.
David_Levin said:
Yes, I don't think the HOA can regulate the number of antennas. I currently have....

Dish 500
Dish 148
Wireless Broadband

No complaints yet, but my neighbors are nice, and not all are visible from the front.

I believe the rule is less than 39" diameter. You can add up your dishes, so a 20" dish 500 + a 19" dish 300 would still be within the rules. Tell your HOA to go F themselves.

Thanks Scott for the clarification of where the new HD channels will be coming from. Glad I put up that 61.5 dish to view the hdtv demo channel a while back ;)
Scott Greczkowski said:
Just got word that these channels will be on 61.5 meaning you will need a second dish to view them, I am also hearing them hope to have them mirrored soon at 148.

And the CSR I just spoke with said they're still waiting FCC aproval for the addition of those channels. there we go again...
Scott Greczkowski said:
Just got word that these channels will be on 61.5 meaning you will need a second dish to view them, I am also hearing them hope to have them mirrored soon at 148.

sigh :(
I know I keep posting dumb questions, but here goes again: I live in Dallas, which is an O&O market for CBS-HD, I believe. Doesn't it require a second dish? If so, how do I go about getting DISH to install one for me?


Your HOA cannot stop you from putting up another dish. That permission comes directly from the FCC and there is a lot of information out there that explicitly states that NO local government entity or HOA or city council may abridge the permissions given by the FCC (or Federal government).
Dalbrit said:
Really dumb question - how do you know if your locals are on 61.5 or not?

I thought is was on the dish web site, but I guess you can search for your city on the transponder charts:

It's usually just the non-major must carry channels that will be on the wings.

I'm shocked to see Denver's primary channels on 148 too (don't remember this from before - perhaps prep for 1 dish must carry - perhaps to change if Rainbow 1 ends up at 110).
Fgsilva said:
And the CSR I just spoke with said they're still waiting FCC aproval for the addition of those channels. there we go again...

Approvel to add content.....I dont think so!

Is it confirmed that you MUST have 61.5 to get the 10 VOOM channels?
I would find it difficult to believe that they would leave out the everyone who has 148 instead of 61.5.
Thanks Dishbacker - So I can just call up Dish, tell them I want to add CBS-HD, and they will have to bring me a second dish, pointed to 61.5? If so, I think I might just give them a call right now.


For everyone in a tizzy about whether or not they have locals on 61.5, goto , scroll down to your local channels, and find out yourself. If there is a channel in your market that is listed on the 61.5 sat, you should call up and tell that CSR what you got comin to you.... which is a nice new shiny dish 300 :)
Dalbrit said:
Really dumb question - how do you know if your locals are on 61.5 or not?



not a dumb question at all-the answer is easy tho-if you can't get your locals on a dish 500, then it's likely they are on 61.5, obviously...

seeing you are in the dallas area, all your locals save one niche UHF channel(i forget which one)are on 110....
Dalbrit said:
I know I keep posting dumb questions, but here goes again: I live in Dallas, which is an O&O market for CBS-HD, I believe. Doesn't it require a second dish? If so, how do I go about getting DISH to install one for me?



Yes, you will need a 2nd dish. If you point to 61.5 you'll get a NY feed. 148 gets you LA.

Dish makes no money off this, so you'll likely have to pay for it.

If you get the 2nd Dish for the Voom 10, then with a new programming commitment, perhaps they'll provide the dish for free. We'll just have to wait and see.
Dalbrit said:
Thanks Dishbacker - So I can just call up Dish, tell them I want to add CBS-HD, and they will have to bring me a second dish, pointed to 61.5? If so, I think I might just give them a call right now.



Dallas has 1 channel on 148. You would have to call and ask for a second dish to get that 1 additional local channel. Once the dish is setup and activated, then you should be able to request cbs-hd to be added.

If you want a dish for 61.5, then I guess it could be tricky. You could try the same and get the installer to just point it at 61.5 instead (if they will) or move it yourself after its installed.

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