April 1st is what I am hearing from various folks, in addition the (lucky) beta testers are telling me that the software is almost ready for primetime now.

I want one. :D
i know someone who was at dinner last night with several higher ups from Dish and E* and heard it for himself. DeFranco was supposed to be there as well but missed it due to a phone call
There were not many bugs at CES, the thing that were buggy were the tiles that did nothing or were unfinished.

For example selecting the SIRIUS tile caused the 922k to reboot itself.

All the basic functionality was working fine.
AVS Forum is saying that the DVR Pal was pulled because of tech problems. It's also stopped being carried by some retailers because of customer complaints. The 722k is not yet to market and it would seem the 922 would be sharing some of the same code for its OTA recording as the 722k and the DVR Pal. I hope it comes to market in tip top shape but I won't be surprised if it doesn't show up 'til later in the year.
There were not many bugs at CES, the thing that were buggy were the tiles that did nothing or were unfinished.

For example selecting the SIRIUS tile caused the 922k to reboot itself.

All the basic functionality was working fine.

Interesting. Most places I red about said it had problems with crashing during the demos they did. Maybe just a few tweaks were needed.
April 1st is what I am hearing from various folks, in addition the (lucky) beta testers are telling me that the software is almost ready for primetime now.
I heard it through the grapevine that Lirpa Labs is heavily involved with the QA process on the 922. ;)
They may really be shooting for Spring. After all, they have these things plastered on various pages on their web site:

Is it here yet? Actually I just ordered a 722k so I will be ready in April 1, 2015 when the 922 is released.

Really though, any new info?

234 year customer and DISH won't give free DVR

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