DISH drops price of HD receivers!

Since I went for the $299 deal to lease and then pay a $6 per month lease fee even though the 622 is my only receiver, what would happen if I dropped the lease program with Dish and purchased the 622? Anyone else done something similar, if so what results did you get?

I would rather own my equipment for a one time payout of $499 with the ability to resale later and not be under an agreement for another 16 months.
ViP622 DVR/ViP211/411 Price Reduction
Effective May 3rd, the cost of HD receivers has been reduced. Selling High Definition on DISH Network is now easier then ever.
The price of the 622 will probably be $299 purchase within a year. Dish wants the volume on this thing to get to the point where it is the standard DVR. The same goes for the 211 and the 222. Of course if you want to enable the HD functions you have a choice of subbing to an HD package or paying the $6/month, this ability to control the HD makes it a standard definition receiver any time Dish wants it to be one...
rjruby said:
There are some reports that HDMI 1.3 chips won't be available from manufacturers until late 2006 or early 2007.

It already out on tvs and blueray players, also some pc videos card have them too.

Paradox-SJ said:
ESPN 1080p?!?

ROFL...not gona happen in this life time...or not until MPEG8 or 9 is available

Verizon has already agree to carry it. There is a thread buried somewhere in the HD programming thread about this.
roachxp said:
It already out on tvs and blueray players, also some pc videos card have them too.

Verizon has already agree to carry it. There is a thread buried somewhere in the HD programming thread about this.

Are you sure? Would you care to cite some sources on this? AFIK, BRDVD hasn't hit the store shelves yet (unless I missed something), and even when it does, it probably won't support HDMI 1.3 (see for details).

As far as ESPN 1080P is concerned, I heard some rumors of this a couple of years ago. More specifically, word was that ESPN purchased some 1080P cameras. But, as far as any broadcasts in 1080P? Not going to happen any time soon.
jrfuda said:
Well, regarding VIP622's, I wonder if they're going to lower the lease price... hardly worth leasing for $299 down + $6 (or is it $5) a month for 18 months if you can buy it outright for $499 (total lease cost $407 over 18 months), and then you could get the difference back selling it. They really need to drop the lease "downpayment" to somewhere between $0 and $99.

I'm an early adopter 'sucker' that piad $299 for the privelage to lease a 622. If I wasn't aready in that "deal" I'd buy one today for sure.
The lease upgrade fees are going to stay the same.
mt_hawley said:
ViP622 DVR/ViP211/411 Price Reduction
Effective May 3rd, the cost of HD receivers has been reduced. Selling High Definition on DISH Network is now easier then ever.
The new MSRP is $499. Dealer costs is a little less of course. The new MSRP is not effective until 5/13/2006.

622 question

Vip211 digital audio distortion problems?

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