I recently sent an email to Dish thru the AMC web site asking for us to let Dish know our feelings about loosing the AMC Networks. Got the standard email from the President of Dish explaining why they might drop the channels like everyone else is getting. I sent back the following response to the President of Dish (CEOofDishNetwork@dish.com) and Cc to
ceo@echostar.com and
President of Dish Network,
Thanks for writing back. Why were the channels moved to the high 9000 series channels without notifying me and other customers? This caused me a big headache figuring out what happened. My wife is highly upset about this situation. She watches several shows on the WE channel including the hot new show Kendra On Top (me too). I also watch the AMC channel The Rifleman series faithfully every Saturday morning. It is a dear childhood show that I watched in the late 50s and early 60s when I was a kid. They are so enjoyable to watch again.
I sure hope you work out the issues with the AMC Networks. I wish when these conflicts occur you had a way to put the conflicted Network channels into a temporary a la carte package and just charge the customer for them if they want them. I know that I would be glad to have the package and not miss our favorite shows. By the way, I loved the VOOM channels and sure miss them too. I would gladly have paid an additional increase for the VOOM a la carte package you use to have. It would be nice if you brought them back.
My wife is telling me that if this isn't worked out she wants to switch to Direct TV or ATT Uverse, or worse yet to the dreaded Cable Company. I am really happy with your company and DVR equipment and do not want to switch. I know that I have only been a loyal Dish customer since 2007, but my account includes four DVRs, Everything Pak, your monthly Dish Entertainment Program Guide, Protection Plan, and one Adult channel. My bill is over $200 a month and it is worth every penny to me. Please don't force us to switch.
Again, thanks for writing me back. I hope you can work things out.
Charlie Shell