DISH Drops AMC Networks (AMC Back on DISH channel 131)

These analogies are interesting and all. And we can nitpick them or think of new and better ones all day long. But this is a very simple issue. I don't care what anybody else thinks about AMC or how many other people watch it. I don't care about the reason Dish dropped them. I don't care about how big or small subscriber losses may be or what the impact on Dish may be. I don't care about Dish's negotiating strategy, management philosophy, business model or stock price. All I care about is whether the provider I pay every month (Dish at the moment) carries the channels I want. They did when I signed up, and now they don't. So I'm switching to the provider that does carry the channels I want.
gpollock87 said:
i know its a good channel and dish needs to see that. my FEARnet facebook page disappeared so i am back to the group i created before the page. i will never quit asking for it ;)

"I will never quit asking for it.". I've seen a lot of Lifetime movies where guys made that statement and it didn't turn out good for the girls. :)
gpollock87 said:
dish is adding FEARnet this week? <img src=""/>

Thanks for posting. I saw this on FB but by the time I got around to it they had already deleted it.
Cox is the same way. Great picture and great HD lineup but, they're $10 a month more on programming and a little more on equipment, but lord, I can't stand their guide software or equipment. Also I did lose some of my favorites, FX and FSN during football 2 years ago. Being a Big 12 fan, I missed 3 OSU games and 2 OU games, during that dispute, which were a big deal to me. I've just become realistic about what the tv business has become and at this time I'm not going to waste my time jumping from provider to provider for a channel(s). That may change in the near future.

This whole thing is crazy!!!!

Let's make one thing clear.

You mean "What the TV business has become for DISH subscribers".

This does not happen with Comcast, or Time-Warner, or BrightHouse, etc.

There is only one place that this practice is "business as usual".
This whole thing is crazy!!!!

Let's make one thing clear.

You mean "What the TV business has become for DISH subscribers".

This does not happen with Comcast, or Time-Warner, or BrightHouse, etc.

There is only one place that this practice is "business as usual".
Very good point. While other carriers do have occasional disagreements with providers, they are usually settled quickly, quietly, and often with no interruption of programming. That is almost never the case with Dish.
All I care about is whether the provider I pay every month (Dish at the moment) carries the channels I want. They did when I signed up, and now they don't. So I'm switching to the provider that does carry the channels I want.

As I hope most would do, along with equipment, PQ, and reliability. And if that's all that was being posted, people feeling Dish does not have the channels they want, who could say different? So happens Dish has the real important channels to our family, in some cases others do not in HD, or others do not at all.
Did your bill go up when other channels were added last year or this year? That works both ways. I wouldn't expect Dish raise my package price each and every time they add a channel right at that time. So I don't expect them to lower it either. When all is said and done they will most likely add channels as they said. In the long run you have lost nothing, (In regards to this question - of course you lost AMC...) maybe gained something....... I'm not calling you silly, just to be clear.... but it's silly to make that argument, to expect a decrease/increase each time there is a change.
I sure appreciate you not calling me silly. But look at the give away/take away channel scenario like this. If your company gives you a pay raise you accept it because they obviously feel that you deserve it. You're happy and they think that's a good thing. Even if you don't necessarily feel you deserve the pay raise the gesture certainly makes you feel like a valued employee and of course that breeds loyalty. However, if they institute a pay cut, that's a whole different ballgame. Dish can give me all the new channels it wants and even if I don't ever watch them I most certainly appreciate the gesture. On the flip side, if they take away channels, devaluing my agreed upon package ( I know I know, the agreement states that they can do whatever they want), then I feel taken advantage of. If anybody out there has ever taken a pay reduction you know what I mean. Especially if they tell you it's for your own long term benefit.
Excuses Excuse for Dish Fans! All these channels you are losing are in HD and many of us who used to be Dish Subs are now watching and enjoying them from other suppliers.

First it was Voom, Then the Disney/ESPN Disputes. Then the NY Sports Regionals. Now these channels. When are you people gonna wake up and make your voices be heard. Maybe the only way your voices will be heard is if you join us on the "Non-Dish" supposedly dark side of the world; where we get all these channels and more in HD as part of our subscription package.

I'm a Dish Fan now too? Wow ...I feel so warm & fuzzy inside! :eek: :rolleyes:
Of course not. But I do watch AMC, and my cable provider has both AMC and BBCA HD, which is where I'm headed. DirecTV has such an abysmal HD lineup, they're not an option. Granted, my cable company sucks in every other regard besides the HD line-up. Their DVR is a joke, their service is more expensive, etc. But content is king. So I'd rather have my content and a crappy DVR than no content and the best DVR in the world. So it really stinks to have to leave. But I have no choice. Imagine losing your favorite channel, and I bet you'd feel the same way.

I agree that content is king, but using a cable DVR that's a piece of crap becomes very frustrating. I had a Motorola DVR from Insight and it was totally unresponsive to the remote 95% of the time. I swore I would never go back to them.

I agree that content is king, but using a cable DVR that's a piece of crap becomes very frustrating. I had a Motorola DVR from Insight and it was totally unresponsive to the remote 95% of the time. I swore I would never go back to them.

I know. I'm dreading it. But I'm hoping I can limp along until THIS wonderful device comes out.


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