However Dish or DirecTV handles this problem of skyrocketing costs is find me. They can give them more than an anvil if it helps.
Yes that is what I meant. Sorry for not keeping up on who owns these channels now. I just hope what I said got my point across.
It is not at all the same.Why is everyone cheering on DirecTv for putting up a fight against Viacom while everyone bashes Dish for dropping Liberty Media channels?
Its the same thing they are both fighting the greed of the program providers. They both say that Viacm or Liberty Media channels are over priced nd with w ratings.
This is why.I believe the idea is that Directv is fighting to keep the Viacom channels, where as some believe Dish handed AMC an anvil and then pushed them off a cliff.
Saw on Dish's Facebook page they wanted to remind everyone that they have a long term deal with Viacom, of course the amc comments came rolling in
Iceberg said:what about AMC?
What about YES?
What about SNY?
What about MSG?
What about locals in some areas?
That looks like they are shooting themselves in the foot with that one
As much as I dislike the thoughts of government intervention something really does need to be done.
Jim5506 said:NEVER!!
Government intervention is asking for rigid bureaucrats to impose their ideas on the rest of us.
I can see it now.....Obamacable!
I can see it now.....Obamacable!
Government intervention is asking for rigid bureaucrats to impose their ideas on the rest of us.
Supposedly, Amazon. But I have yet to see credible confirmation.Just a tad off topic, but many have stated that AMC top shows like Breaking Bad can be seen the next day on the web, but where do I go to see them?
Thanks KAB.Supposedly, Amazon. But I have yet to see credible confirmation.
Supposedly, Amazon. But I have yet to see credible confirmation.
Can someone who has Amazon Prime confirm that even with the subscription, one still has to pay to see the new episodes of Breaking Bad? That is the impression I get from the Amazon Instant Video app on my blu-ray player. I assumed subscribing would be the way to go, but if I still have to pay for the episode, then it's not worth the $79 to me. Thanks.
Yes you would have to buy the episodes.Only certain mostly older shows/movies are available with prime.They do have a lot of content and the savings on shipping are nice but,unless you are going to purchase a lot of amazon products then prime probably won't be worth it.
If you haven't had a free trial of prime or if it's been at least a yr since you did you can get a free month trial.
Urbangirrl said:I have been with Dish for 6 years - I also get my internet through them (Wild Blue). We live in the country but only 7 miles outside a major town, but the only option we have is Dish or Direct TV. I called Dish's regular contact number on 7/6 to let them I was unhappy with losing the regular company line of "we're sorry" but to compensate we replaced it with movie channels! (all said in a really HAPPY voice!) Yeah, told him that wasn't going to cut it....I want my Walking Dead!! He advised I could stream it through my game system....but I don't have one....and nothing "streams" on my computer so I doubted it would stream on my TV. He then sent me over to the broadband dept. to see if they could upgrade me....they picked up immediately. Girl was very nice...said there was an upgrade available in my would just be a $149 installation/activation fee! Yeah, I said that wasn't going to fly! Would they consider waiving the fee? She said she couldn't do that. I then said I would probably have to look elsewhere for my TV service....that got her attention! She sent me to the Loyalty Rep, who also picked up immediately! (Was I just being lucky that day?? Sounds like most people on this thread had to wait forever for someone to talk to!) I spoke to Nancy and let her know what my problem was...and that fact that I have been with them a long time and spend a LOT of money each month between TV and internet. I asked her if she could waive the installation fee and she said YES immediately! YAY!! Now I needed something to stream it through. I first asked if they would send me some kind of game system that would work (knowing full well she probably wouldn't go for that!)....she laughed and said no. Then I asked for a Roku.....she said she would ask her supervisor. When she came back she said he had just ordered it for me and it would come within 5 days (I'm assuming that means business days. Haven't gotten it yet and tomorrow is day 5, so we'll see.) Anyways, she set up the installation for 7/9 and I hung up feeling pretty good about that! Dish did come on Monday and switched out my internet dish and modem....things are working much, much faster now and videos and movies stream seamlessly, even through my wireless. Now I'm just waiting for my Roku. Fingers crossed that it shows up soon.
I think what you can get Dish to do for you has a lot to do with how you ask for it. They knew I was upset, but I asked nicely for everything I wanted and I got it. If you start out being nasty and demanding things, they are not going to be very helpful. I work in customer service too, and I know that anyone who comes in and starts out nasty isn't going to get too far with me. So try being nice when you talk to the Dish people!!
Now my question Amazon the only way to see new episodes of the AMC shows or does Netflix or anyone else carry them too? And with Amazon, do you have to pay for each episode? How long after they air do they have them on Amazon? I'm thinking if I have to pay for episodes, I'm going to have to go back to Dish and negotiate (nicely of course!) for a credit on my monthly bill to cover that.
Thanks for any and all help anyone can give me!