OK. I've just finished catching up on this thread. After reading all the different posts about the "current" offers that Dish has made to subs, I find it still very frustrating in how Dish has handle this whole AMC, IFC, We, and Sundance "negotiations". Accept for We, I watch the other three channels a lot of the time. And with "Breaking Bad," "The Walking Dead," and "Hell on Wheels" original programing, AMC had some of the best shows on TV, even if it was just those 3 shows (well 5 if you include "Mad Men" and "Killing".)
I just think it's sucks that we lose those channels, specially when there are so many crappy channels on TV.(Now I know "One man's junk is another man's treasure...so I'm not going to name channels I don't care for because that would be selfish and foolish.)
This free Roku is a nice offer, but I subscribe to Dish and I want to get my programming from Dish. That's why I paid the monthly bill. If I want to have to use other sources to get to see programs that almost all can see with just basic cable, I would have kept Insight. Don't get me wrong, except for the way they handle channels disputes, I have love having Dish. I feel the Hopper still have a few bugs in it that need to be worked out, but over all it's been pretty great too.
I just don't care for being played around with. Even with these offers they're making, Dish seems to want to keep it on the QT, instead of just telling everyone who lost those channels, "Hey all Dish subs that lost the AMC channels from their package, this is what we are doing to compensate you...Spell it out and let everyone get the same deal. Now if Dish wants to add certain criteria to this offer, as must have been a sub for six months with the AMC channels to receive both the Roku and $10/12 credits, then fine. We all know going into this what we will get and what is expected. But to have to call different times until you get a person that will be straight with you and tell you about the Roku and $10/12 is still rather underhanded. Yes, it's nice that Dish is trying to compensate for our lost, but why must you have to haggle like you're doing business with a street vendor to get the best deal? This is what I don't understand. Make you wonder if this "haggling" and "never let them see the cards their holding," is taught by Charlie and is how he handles negotiations. And that may be fine when dealing with channels contracts, but not when you're trying to show you care about your subs. Quit playing "Let's Make A Deal" with your subs!
Oh, and just to be totally honest, yes, I'm going to take them up on their compensation. I lost 3 of 4 channels I really liked a lot, and I'm not going to get them back with Dish.