How do they know what Dish pays ? And the "little to no audience" comment is probably trying to compare the number of viewers in a single market that watch a 'cable' channel vs the number of viewers who watch the local channel in that same market. They fail to grasp that these 'cable' channels are NATIONWIDE.Sinclair notes that the prices it is requesting for its extremely popular stations are substantially lower
than the amounts Dish is paying for other far less popular channels it carries as a result of Dish's flawed
economic model that on a relative basis compensates channels with little to no audience share more than the
broadcast channels.
How is that relevant ?In addition, Sinclair notes that its negotiations with Dish, a company which is currently
being sued by the ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC networks as a result of Dish providing its customers with
technology that allows its subscribers to delete commercials, involve matters other than pricing.
In the future, they can just replace "Dish" with the name of another providerSinclair would also like to remind its viewers who are Dish subscribers that the Sinclair stations that may be
dropped by Dish remain available from a variety of other sources.
Damn spell check on cell phones. I'd rather spell something wrong than get a different word.
When I heard of the possibility of Dish dropping the Sinclair station in our area WUHF-31 (Fox), I checked our timers to go OTA. Well I only found one (Touch) and it was already on OTA! Other than the occasional football game or race I probably would not miss it... although I would miss the guide.
We too are on top of one, about 10' from the top of Monroe county, but SYR and CDN can't be seen with our cheapie indoor OTA antenna.