DISH Cries Foul Over DIRECTV/MLB Deal

Believe me if I wanted MLB i'd switch to D*. It doesn't matter to me who my provider is if they give me what I want.

some of us would rather not switch for plenty of reasons
-no line of site for 101
-they paid for their equipement
-they can get their locals in HD with Dish but not Direct
-They like HD channels
I think the way that the government can get involved is to recind the anti-trust exemption that MLB enjoys today. Then all their activities can be regulated. If you look at the debacle with the Nationals' TV rights (sorry, I live outside D.C.), that was just a preview of where MLB is headed. You'll note that Dish still doesn't carry the new MASN network that was created for Nationals baseball (and now Orioles). The reason? Dish has a long term contract with CSN that they can't get out of, and they don't want to pay twice as much for programming which is half as valuable.

If that situation shows anything it's that MLB does not care 1 iota about it's fans as long as they get the revenue they believe their entitled to. In the long run, it will hurt them. That programming alone is not worth the hassle of subscribing to cable or paying more with DirecTV. Therefore, my son will grow up watching golf or NASCAR instead of MLB. He won't ask about going to games, and we won't buy tickets. They're shooting themselves in the foot for short term gains, but long term loses.
yep sure there Ron. You make it sound so easy. Just tell you're community/apartment complex to wire the whole building for Directv. Yeah sure. Like they'll jump at that chance. Then what? Raise the rates on association fees or other fees or raise the rent to pay for that "renovation". Yeah that will go over real well. Hey, maybe DirecTV can pay for that.

Most places don't get "kickbacks" from anyone. They just happened to be wired for cable or in some cases Dish Network.

Competition is good for the world. Good example is NFL ST. Lets see. Its what 230 bucks on DirecTv for that "exclusive" contract?
Hmmm...lets look at somewhere where there is competition for NFL ST. Canadians (and southern subs) can get NFL ST for either provider for LESS THAN HALF of what you pay here...And that's in Canadian money.

yep...them old exclusive contracts are really good. All it does is make the consumer bend over even more.

I don't fully by your logic Iceberg. If a community ( condo/aparment complex is what i mean) can be wired for cable there is no reason D* couldn't take it over and make any needed changes. I don't beleive the complex owners paid for the cable install so why would they have to pay for the D* install? Afterall D* would be gaining lots of customers. I do beleive complexes get kick baks in the form of some incentives to allow the local cable ocmpany access. I even feel that the law to cut down dishes in Boston is not for historical reasons, but led by the local cable companies. They'll do anything to squash the compeition. E.G. telling in ads that satelitte is always lost when it rains. Im sure there are plenty of people out there that beleive this b.s. and is why they go with cable.

Perhaps it isn't competition but hese two parties have a right to do this if they wish. Comcast owns exclusively the rights to philly sports and they don't give it to E* or D*. It's their right to do this and they've been allowed to do this even with court challenges and changes when Comcast bought Adelphia with Time Warner. You see that being changed just because us E* and D* subs complain. I don't hink so and it'll be a cold day in hell before comcast allows it. So if comcast can be exclusive in this situation so can D* and MLB. Oh yes is there competition where you live in regards which cable company you can get? Most likely not. Another example of Comcast being exclusive. They through their politcal muscle in Philly ,their HQ to stop RCN from trying to come into the city. Needless to say RCN gave up for they knew it was a loosing battle. So again I don't want to hear it's unfair and against competition. i can go on and on where there is no compeition and it seems to be ok and the law allows it.

Comcast owns exclusively the rights to philly sports and they don't give it to E* or D*. It's their right to do this and they've been allowed to do this even with court challenges and changes when Comcast bought Adelphia with Time Warner.

Wrong. They do not own exclusive rights. Commycrap happens to have exclusive rights by using a loophole from the old Prism/Sportschannel Philly days. Prism wasn't beamed up via satellite. They use fibre and microwave signals. So when Commycast bought Prism and made is CSN Philly, they continued to use the loophole which says if the signal isn't beamed up via satellite, it doesn't have to be made to anyone.

Yes Dish & Direct have tried to get this changed when Commycast was going to buy Adelphia but our government decided that "oh lets not close that loophole. Why bother" so they said that any new channel needs to be available to everyone but not CSN Philly. Because we know CSN would throw a hissy fit like a 3 year old if we did that.
some of us would rather not switch for plenty of reasons
-no line of site for 101
-they paid for their equipement
-they can get their locals in HD with Dish but not Direct
-They like HD channels

Valid reasons for making your decision.

Unfortunately sports have had exclusive deals for decades, and nobody has ever made such a fuss before. Let's face it: championship boxing was on free-tv up until the 80's. Then boxing started selling its best events to subscription TV (HBO/Showtime), and PPV, as exclusive events. Nobody has made it a congressional issue that they were disenfranchised because their favorite boxer was only on Showtime and they should not have to subscribe to see it.

Anybody who would make such a claim would be laughed off the continent. ST and EI are no different. The leagues own the product and are free to sell -- or to not sell -- that product however they see fit as long as it does not discriminate on ethinc, sexual, or demographic grounds.

Unless Sen's Kerry and Mitchell decide to change the ownership of sports broadcast rights, there isn't a damn thing they can do except to pose, make noise, and be true-to-form disingenuos morons.
I guess everyone is drinking the Dish can do no wrong Kool Aid.

If you wanted the MLB package and didnt get it. Blame Dish. They didnt bid enough for it.

Where is outrage and the letter writing campaign for D* to get the same HD channels that E* bid for?

For a while I actually had E* envy. I kept hearing about how E*'s HD was much better and they had all these channels.

But I realize now its just propoganda fed by the ultimate group of E* fanboys.

D*'s HD is just as good as E*'s. They both arent where they should be but they are both comparable.

E* has more HD channels right now. But lets call VOOM what it is. Awful. Heck the E* forum has a whole thread debating whether or not its half decent.

E* cant carry D*'s jock when it comes to sports. Sunday Ticket, MLB EI, local RSN's in HD. That one isnt even up for debate.

The future. News sats for D* are going up soon, and a plethora of HD programming is coming D*'s way.

Yet the sheep here continue to refuse to acknowledge that the emperor has no clothes. E* stinks for sports. E* is about to get buried by D* when the new sats go up.

So instead of doing your nice little letter campaign, (it worked so well when E* broke the law and left their subs holding the bag), join a provider that has the programing that you feel you cant live without.

MLB. As for my E* friends in New England (yes that includes those residing in CT) come on over and watch the SOX in beautiful NESN HD. We can have some drinks, cook up some food, and watch the beloved SOX hit 'em into pit row. (figure it wont be long till they rename the bullpen pit row in honor of John Henry's ownership in Rousch Racing.)

Put down the pen and paper and come over to the dark side!
Wrong. They do not own exclusive rights. Commycrap happens to have exclusive rights by using a loophole from the old Prism/Sportschannel Philly days. Prism wasn't beamed up via satellite. They use fibre and microwave signals. So when Commycast bought Prism and made is CSN Philly, they continued to use the loophole which says if the signal isn't beamed up via satellite, it doesn't have to be made to anyone.

Yes Dish & Direct have tried to get this changed when Commycast was going to buy Adelphia but our government decided that "oh lets not close that loophole. Why bother" so they said that any new channel needs to be available to everyone but not CSN Philly. Because we know CSN would throw a hissy fit like a 3 year old if we did that.

Well they might be using a loophole in the law but the results are the same. They have exclusive rights to Philly sports and won't share it with E* or D*. Though surprisingly i'v heard they will share it with Verizon FIOS tv. Comcast's tactics over this and cables other tactics theyh've pulled over the years is why i'm glad that they and other cale outfits have lost the ability to broadcast MLB. It is a shame that E* lost it though. I'm sure there were kickbacks involved there with Comcast throwing it's politcal muscle at congress to keep sportsnet from E* and D*.

So if the D* MLB is unfair and uncompetitive so is Comcast's tactics. It does help comcast's subscriber rate for sat. penetration in the Philly area is low. On the flip side if Comcst is allowed to do this so is D* and MLB.

Again I feel sorry for the people who will loose MLB. I still feel though if they want it there is away to get it, and that D* and MLB have a right to do what ever they wish with their product.

Remember this government of ours isn't going to do what's best for it's citizens but what is best for business and in this case I believe they'll allow this to happen. With that in mind I feel that the XM/Sirius deal won't go through either do to lobbying of big buisness oriented NAB. Sat. radio would sound better if the NAB hadn't lobbied the FCC and had them reduce the specs for better quality audio.

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Valid reasons for making your decision.

Unfortunately sports have had exclusive deals for decades, and nobody has ever made such a fuss before. Let's face it: championship boxing was on free-tv up until the 80's. Then boxing started selling its best events to subscription TV (HBO/Showtime), and PPV, as exclusive events. Nobody has made it a congressional issue that they were disenfranchised because their favorite boxer was only on Showtime and they should not have to subscribe to see it.

Anybody who would make such a claim would be laughed off the continent. ST and EI are no different. The leagues own the product and are free to sell -- or to not sell -- that product however they see fit as long as it does not discriminate on ethinc, sexual, or demographic grounds.

Unless Sen's Kerry and Mitchell decide to change the ownership of sports broadcast rights, there isn't a damn thing they can do except to pose, make noise, and be true-to-form disingenuos morons.

Thank you. I couldn't have said it better thoug i've tried. Now if only these whiners to understand that business can and does what it wants. Again I see no one complaining about our troops in Iraq. The high cost of gasoline. but god forbid they loose their baseball and all hell breaks loose. This is just as bad as when E* lost courTV. Hey!! you were willing to go to D* for your CourTV why won't you do it for your MLB?

from ny times

read this for more info.

I love it when in the article a customer says D* isn't an optiion.Why? Because he likes cable better.That to me is not a reason to say D* is not an option. Trees and northern exposure is a legit reason.If one doesn't like or want D* or even E* for programming that is their choice and they don't have a right to complain they aren't getting something when they could have gone with D* or E. His reasoning is totally stupid.

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We can have some drinks, cook up some food, and watch the beloved SOX hit 'em into pit row. (figure it wont be long till they rename the bullpen pit row in honor of John Henry's ownership in Rousch Racing.)

The Roush Racing bullpen, sponsored by Viagra :eek:
Carry YES and the like before you bitch.
I have never ordered MLB through DISH because of this.
Same money for less games.


I got almost every yankee game on E* MLB:EI pak, unless you live in NY or Yanks rsn area. E* uses the away teams feed for thoses game.
The entitlement mentality is quite pervasive apparently.
Though agreed, any exclusivity , be it baseball or HBO, is not a good benifit for the consumer but nor is over paying for the rights to carry by the Carrier good for the subscriber either.
As some pointed out, if E* got into a bidding war and had to out bid D* to say 150mill. Who will be paying for you MLB fans to get your baseball fix. The already over charged sub. that only wants to watch HGTV or Food in HD. Thats a form of entitlement welfare.

All the public overt posturing by JON CARRY [Sen. Kerry, Ma.[D] is not going to change free enterprise and the market forces. Every time someone disagrees with something and goes running around "There Uta Be A Law" is what is costing us our entrepurnerial freedoms of enterprise in the form of higher taxes and greater costs of doing business now. ERGO more cost to the consumer. MLB has every right to enter into a exclusive carrier agrement with whom ever they want. Is it wise? Probably not. Is it legal? Probably yes. Is it right? Probably Not. Can anything be done? YES!! DON"T BUY THE PRODUCT.
Just as MLB lost me in "94", they will lose still more fans again, that they ill can afford to lose by these bizzare decisions. Its evident that as E* or cable subscribers the MLB no longer wants or cares for your business.
I feel for the Fans that are locked out but the MLB will shoot themselves a few more times. Don't be surprise if the play-offs and the World Series goes Pay for View. Might as well get off the train while its going slow.

May be if cities stopped building the teams stadiums but thats another debate.
Iceberg said:
Competition is good for the world. Good example is NFL ST. Lets see. Its what 230 bucks on DirecTv for that "exclusive" contract?
Hmmm...lets look at somewhere where there is competition for NFL ST. Canadians (and southern subs) can get NFL ST for either provider for LESS THAN HALF of what you pay here...And that's in Canadian money.
Funny, the NFL is American Football. So the NFL receives about $700 million a year from DirecTV, and probably no where near $7 million from Canada.

That isn't a good analogy.
danm2z said:
If you look at the debacle with the Nationals' TV rights (sorry, I live outside D.C.), that was just a preview of where MLB is headed. You'll note that Dish still doesn't carry the new MASN network that was created for Nationals baseball (and now Orioles). The reason? Dish has a long term contract with CSN that they can't get out of, and they don't want to pay twice as much for programming which is half as valuable.

If that situation shows anything it's that MLB does not care 1 iota about it's fans as long as they get the revenue they believe their entitled to.
Uh, but almost everyone but Dish Network has a signed contract with MASN. Doesn't that really mean that Dish Network doesn't care about their customers?

read this for more info.

I love it when in the article a customer says D* isn't an optiion.Why? Because he likes cable better.That to me is not a reason to say D* is not an option. Trees and northern exposure is a legit reason.If one doesn't like or want D* or even E* for programming that is their choice and they don't have a right to complain they aren't getting something when they could have gone with D* or E. His reasoning is totally stupid.


Totally stupid to you. What if YOU were told you could only receive something you enjoy by one way and that way was not the way you wanted it? Then, would you be stupid because you complained? I know a lot of guys in the military who were told one day, you will only be paid by Direct Deposit - no more checks. So I guess all those guys who wanted a check were STUPID?

What MLB and DirecTV are doing is not illegal, but, it does show that MLB cares more about money than the fan. DirecTV is just doing everything it can to find a few more subscribers. ALL D* subs will pay so that D* can get MLB EI fans to join D*. I'll just spend that money on going to more Minor League games this summer since MLB doesn't care about the fan, just their bottom line.

Belittling others who are not happy about this deal is wasted bandwidth with no value in this conversation.
Totally stupid to you. What if YOU were told you could only receive something you enjoy by one way and that way was not the way you wanted it? Then, would you be stupid because you complained? I know a lot of guys in the military who were told one day, you will only be paid by Direct Deposit - no more checks. So I guess all those guys who wanted a check were STUPID?

What MLB and DirecTV are doing is not illegal, but, it does show that MLB cares more about money than the fan. DirecTV is just doing everything it can to find a few more subscribers. ALL D* subs will pay so that D* can get MLB EI fans to join D*. I'll just spend that money on going to more Minor League games this summer since MLB doesn't care about the fan, just their bottom line.

Belittling others who are not happy about this deal is wasted bandwidth with no value in this conversation.

That's not what I said. All i said was his reasoning for not being able to get D* doesn't hold any water as far as i'm concerned. Like a pevious poster said you can no longer get boxing unless you pay for it. Well that's the way it is and no one is complaining. Just because you can't get it the way you want doesn't mean it isn't available. So either switch to D* if they get the contract or forget about MLB.

As for direct deposit, yes!! I think you are stupid if you do it any other way. Beat spending time in line at a bank. I suppose youd rather get paid in cash then?

Belittling stupid statements and other rants is what keeps this thread interesting. why else would it be over eight pages in length?

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