Dish Could Be Droping More Channels Soon

1. Apparently neither of you has ever been in a small claims court.

2. Both of you need to check your sense of humor.

I hate to get in the middle here, but Scott is right. You signed (and probably didn't read). If they upset you or drop something, pay the ETF you agreed to and move on.

BTW, I practice what I preach. AT&T upset me last week, by not helping me find my iPhone 4 which was stolen. Not only did they say they couldn't help me find it, they told me that since I had used my upgrade, I would have to buy a new phone at full price. My ETF was $146. I told them that it was cheaper to switch to Verizon. They told me to cancel and sign up as a new account on AT&T. I told them thank you and about 20 minutes later, I was using a Droid Incredible with my ported number.

I agreed to AT&T's terms. I could have found a cell phone forum and bitched, but I moved my business. You should do the same. But, you probably won't. Most of the folks on here bitching are all talk. Dish offers the best deal and you know it. Plus they make the best DVR in the industry. Just stop whining, if you won't take action. Scott can't fix it, I can't fix it, Watchel can't fix it. The Bob's will join you in whining, but that is all the help they can offer.

I invite you to post back after you 'win' your case that you will never file, because you will never leave.

I hate to get in the middle here, but Scott is right. You signed (and probably didn't read). If they upset you or drop something, pay the ETF you agreed to and move on.

BTW, I practice what I preach. AT&T upset me last week, by not helping me find my iPhone 4 which was stolen. Not only did they say they couldn't help me find it, they told me that since I had used my upgrade, I would have to buy a new phone at full price. My ETF was $146. I told them that it was cheaper to switch to Verizon. They told me to cancel and sign up as a new account on AT&T. I told them thank you and about 20 minutes later, I was using a Droid Incredible with my ported number.

I agreed to AT&T's terms. I could have found a cell phone forum and bitched, but I moved my business. You should do the same. But, you probably won't. Most of the folks on here bitching are all talk. Dish offers the best deal and you know it. Plus they make the best DVR in the industry. Just stop whining, if you won't take action. Scott can't fix it, I can't fix it, Watchel can't fix it. The Bob's will join you in whining, but that is all the help they can offer.

I invite you to post back after you 'win' your case that you will never file, because you will never leave.

I hate to get in the middle here, but Scott is right. You signed (and probably didn't read). If they upset you or drop something, pay the ETF you agreed to and move on.

BTW, I practice what I preach. AT&T upset me last week, by not helping me find my iPhone 4 which was stolen. Not only did they say they couldn't help me find it, they told me that since I had used my upgrade, I would have to buy a new phone at full price. My ETF was $146. I told them that it was cheaper to switch to Verizon. They told me to cancel and sign up as a new account on AT&T. I told them thank you and about 20 minutes later, I was using a Droid Incredible with my ported number.

I agreed to AT&T's terms. I could have found a cell phone forum and bitched, but I moved my business. You should do the same. But, you probably won't. Most of the folks on here bitching are all talk. Dish offers the best deal and you know it. Plus they make the best DVR in the industry. Just stop whining, if you won't take action. Scott can't fix it, I can't fix it, Watchel can't fix it. The Bob's will join you in whining, but that is all the help they can offer.

I invite you to post back after you 'win' your case that you will never file, because you will never leave.

To begin with, when you make judgements, I suggest you have some semblance of knowledge about the subject. I have never been addressed as a "whiner" by anyone. If you look at my post (which you obviously did not) or a previous post where I explained why I will be leaving Dish and when, there is nothing that can be construed as "whining", just a statement of fact.

My statement that they had no idea of how small claims courts operates stands and extends to you. I made the original comment tongue in cheek and apparently is passed over some heads. That said, I would be quite willing to take Dish to that court for a number of reasons. The first is that Dish or D* want no part of a court decision for fear of precedent. Next, and most important, is they do not want the expense which is generally more than the contract debt. Both have already had setbacks regarding contracts. My contract is expired, so it's not an issue with me personally and contrary to your belief I read it thoroughly before I signed it and am quite familiar with the terms. Courts look at factors which can be construed to cause a material breach in the contract and some of the vague wording in these contracts makes them suspect to begin with. If you've ever seen some of the posts on this and other forums, many customers never received a contract and didn't sign one.

As to whether I would take action, you really don't know me. I've been up against AT&T (long before the breakup) and made them change their whole billing system (at least in my state), and backed down the IRS (using their own laws which seem to escape many of their employees). I've been to court 3 times against companies and their attorneys and won. My background in business was as a troubleshooter taking on the problems no one else in the company would or could handle.

I will post next August when I will be leaving Dish as planned. I will post earlier if I lose the RSN for Fox, because I will be gone the next day.

I agree Dish has the best DVR, but they do not have the best deal for everyone. My issue is simply their sports programming, and I will leave because it's apparent that's not an area they will ever emphasize or attempt to be competitive.
read the contract you signed. If the judge reads it, you lose!

That's assuming that the claim that is filed is based in contract law. Just because you sign a contract does not mean there are not other basis to sue and seek equitable remedies.

Just a reminder that only a fool takes their legal advice from postings on a msg board.

Personally, I'd prefer to support those who wish to challenge a policy that is negatively affecting us all regardless of his chances of success. Much better than than just rolling over like all of the other sheep on here ready to take it up the backside from (insert satellite/cable provider name here) once again.
Its not looking good right now.. just did a chat... a lot of copying and pasting...

(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: I appreciate your patience.
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: How may I help you?
Shaun: Any news on the Fox/Dish Network deal with FX, FSN, and Nat Geo?
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: If Fox Networks chooses to remove their signal and prevent DISH Network from carrying their channels, DISH Network will provide alternative solutions and additional programming options. It is our hope that a fair agreement can be reached before this occurs. We have every intention of reaching an agreement so that your programming is not affected.
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: We are working hard to reach a fair and equitable agreement. Negotiations usually proceed quickly, and we hope to reach an agreement soon. DISH Network will not be bullied or forced into reaching an agreement that is unfavorable to our customers, and we are committed to investing in the time that is required to reach a fair deal.
Shaun: ok.. but how does that help me if my team's game is being broadcast on FSN this saturday?
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: Let me check that for you.
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: You can urge Fox Networks to negotiate fairly by contacting them directly at (310) 369-1000. Let them know that you don't want to be forced to pay 55% more just to watch their channels. We're just one company, but there are millions of you. Let Fox Networks hear how their greed will negatively impact your choices.
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: Feel free to share your thoughts and concerns by e-mailing us at We assure you that we will read every e-mail we receive.
Shaun: ok two things... one is that i was told by a CSR rep a few days ago that it was 40% increase.. two is that every other TV provider in my area has already come to a deal with fox
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: DISH Network has offered Fox an extension on the contract that would offer more time and flexibility to reach a fair deal. Fox has not yet responded to our request for an extension. It is our hope that they will agree to allow more time for us to reach an agreement so that customers like you do not lose access to your programming.
Shaun: no to mention... you guys try to take the high road and act like you are fighting for me.. but i would fall on the floor in amazement if the channels go dark and my bill for next month from you guys goes down
Shaun: which means if we keep the channels, my bill goes up... if we lose them, my bill stays the same... see how that doesnt add up?
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: Fox Networks owns a variety of regional sports networks, and some nationally-distributed channels. Depending upon where you live and what programming package you subscribe to, your regional sports network may or may not be impacted by these negotiations. If Fox chooses to remove its signal and prevent DISH Network from carrying your channel, we will have alternative programming solutions available.
Shaun: does that mean my game will still be on my dish service saturday?
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: We are working on it.
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: It will take time.
Shaun: its kind of important.. we are having a party at our house to watch this game... it is kind of crappy that i have to be nervous about whether or not the game will be on because of my TV service
Shaun: i can say with 100% certainty if i end up with no game saturday, come monday morning i will be an ex dish customer
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: Sorry to hear that.
Shaun: and its sad too because i have loved you guys up until the last month or two.. the 922 i paid $200 for is a joke, losing the disney channels was ridiculous.. now this
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: I understand your concern.
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: DISH Network has offered Fox an extension on the contract that would offer more time and flexibility to reach a fair deal. Fox has not yet responded to our request for an extension. It is our hope that they will agree to allow more time for us to reach an agreement so that customers like you do not lose access to your programming.
Shaun: yes you have already copied and pasted that.. thanks
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: You are welcome.
To begin with, when you make judgements, I suggest you have some semblance of knowledge about the subject. I have never been addressed as a "whiner" by anyone. If you look at my post (which you obviously did not) or a previous post where I explained why I will be leaving Dish and when, there is nothing that can be construed as "whining", just a statement of fact.

My statement that they had no idea of how small claims courts operates stands and extends to you. I made the original comment tongue in cheek and apparently is passed over some heads. That said, I would be quite willing to take Dish to that court for a number of reasons. The first is that Dish or D* want no part of a court decision for fear of precedent. Next, and most important, is they do not want the expense which is generally more than the contract debt. Both have already had setbacks regarding contracts. My contract is expired, so it's not an issue with me personally and contrary to your belief I read it thoroughly before I signed it and am quite familiar with the terms. Courts look at factors which can be construed to cause a material breach in the contract and some of the vague wording in these contracts makes them suspect to begin with.

I agree. I have been to small claims court twice and won both times. Just because some company's lawyers write some ridiculous terms into a contract as a condition of service does not mean that those terms will hold up in court of law. I have seen more than once where those terms have been thrown out. Secondly, I also believe that Dish would not want that precedent set and they would also be very reluctant to send an attorney to my small claims court to defend what would amount to a contract debt of $262.50, in my case. OTOH, I have the time and the experience and would be more than willing test their resolve, should it become necessary.

To each their own.

I've gotten out of two contracts, one with Wildblue and one with Alltel, because they changed up their service midway through the contract. Wildblue went slower and upped their pings, and my Alltel aircard kept disconnecting even though I am 1 mile from their tower. Both times I contacted Nebraska's Attorney General's office's consumer protection division. Both times, I've exited the contract without ETF. They can write all the legalese they want in an attempt to trap someone in crappy service, but that doesn't mean it will stand.
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I agree Dish has the best DVR, but they do not have the best deal for everyone. My issue is simply their sports programming, and I will leave because it's apparent that's not an area they will ever emphasize or attempt to be competitive.

Sorta hard to compete with nfl package isn't it? I seriously couldn't care less about regional sports networks. I 'm a race fan, so one might think I would switch to direct to get the nascar hotpass thingy. Not so, I'm just not all THAT serious about it.
Has anyone considered that Charlie and company may not be so ready to cave to the greedy ass network execs who try to bleed them for every penny (and us by extension) by packaging useless channels with decent ones?
So until all pro sports goes ppv, I don't care if they shitcan FSN channels altogether.
My issue is simply their sports programming, and I will leave because it's apparent that's not an area they will ever emphasize or attempt to be competitive.

They will offer what they think is affordable (NBA, NHL, MLS) but I think they will push their niche to be in movie channels and on-demand services. They have to be competitive on core programming but that's where it will end.
I'd be willing to take it to small claims court. Missing the division playoffs and the World Series - no judge would dare rule against you, especially if you're in one of the towns with a playoff team.

The playoffs and the world series are NOT on FOX they are on TNT and TBS.
I'd be willing to take it to small claims court. Missing the division playoffs and the World Series - no judge would dare rule against you, especially if you're in one of the towns with a playoff team.

Sadly there is no legal right to baseball on TV. Personally I think that the founding fathers were asleep at the switch on that one but it is the case.
Actually, TBS gets the divisional rounds. Local Fox affiliates get the LCS rounds and the World Series.

Not according to the Cincinnati newspaper and the broadcasters last night on FOX sports Ohio during the Reds win.
Both sources say that TNT and TBS have exclusive rights and the World Series has NEVER been on any FOX RSN
Sorta hard to compete with nfl package isn't it? I seriously couldn't care less about regional sports networks. I 'm a race fan, so one might think I would switch to direct to get the nascar hotpass thingy. Not so, I'm just not all THAT serious about it.
Has anyone considered that Charlie and company may not be so ready to cave to the greedy ass network execs who try to bleed them for every penny (and us by extension) by packaging useless channels with decent ones?
So until all pro sports goes ppv, I don't care if they shitcan FSN channels altogether.

They will offer what they think is affordable (NBA, NHL, MLS) but I think they will push their niche to be in movie channels and on-demand services. They have to be competitive on core programming but that's where it will end.

It isn't just the pro packages (which I'm not interested in anyway), but they don't carry some locals, specifically in my area the MTN network which has many games I want to see and they put VS in their highest tier which makes it unaffordable for me. For the same price, I can get FSN, MTN and VS (and I think even BTN) with Comcast (as undesirable as that may be although they appear to have improved recently) and no contract obligation. And with internet bundling even a better deal. I'm only still with Dish as the timing to change was wrong for a couple of reasons and I have some movies I want to move off my DVR.

Most of this argument is moot. Everyone has their reasons for staying as well as leaving. None of the carriers are perfect by a long shot, but each has it's benefits which may or may not suit any one individual. I've never knocked Dish because I have no problem with their service, but if they don't offer what I want I'll just go where I can find it if possible.
when i log into the fox site- get what you pay is says i am in danger of losing Fox MIDWEST , my local fox channel and FX. But i live in 74003 and also get Fox SW and the sports pack. Will i lose ALL the fox sports channels or just the in market ones?
First, to the person who lost his iPhone: ATT was right that they can't find it for you. What they should have told you is that APPLE can (for a price, of course, which is a subscription to MobileMe, i believe). The fact that they did not tell you about Apple options for locating a lost phone is kinda confusing, but hey...

Second, I am actually more encouraged about this than I was previously. I have confirmed that the only channels in Danger October 1 are FX and NatGeo and the regional sports networks. None of the other Fox entities (Speed, FSC, Fox news, Fox Business, etc) are covered as far as anyone I talked to knows.

I understand that Dish has offered to keep the channels on, and will not shut them down on it's own. So if they disappear, that would make Fox the Bad Guy.

If I were Fox, why would I do that? They have practically no leverage through October. So there is no reason to press the issue, really. Make an agreement that Dish will pay whatever they eventually agree to back to October 1.

When you look at the situation, Fox has the real hammer starting around November 1, when they could pull the Owned and Operated Local channels.

As I look at it from a strategic nuclear warfare perspective, there is nothing in it for Fox to pull FX, NatGeo and the RSNs now.

So I would predict that those channels won't disappear, unless for some reason Fox wants to spoil Dish's GoogleTV party. And they may. I just have not found a reason why they would want to do that.
It's kind of a toss-up... Fox knows dish could lose customers over this... BUT I Dish knows that Fox could have some VERY unhappy advertisers that have paid for commercials on their stations that will not be seen by millions of Dish customers... I think both parties are equally to blame. Fox is being greedy and using a bunch of scare tactics and propaganda to get Dish's customer's mad at Dish. Dish is at fault because this isn't their first rodeo in the content provider dispute department. Being a dish customer for a few years now, this is becoming the norm and causing me to rethink whether an extra few bucks a month for direcTV (which gets fewer and fewer every year it seems) would be worth not having to deal with worrying about losing channels every so often. Its strange that DirecTV's rates have pretty much stayed the same with zero disputes while Dish's are creeping up WITH disputes.

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