Its not looking good right now.. just did a chat... a lot of copying and pasting...
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: I appreciate your patience.
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: How may I help you?
Shaun: Any news on the Fox/Dish Network deal with FX, FSN, and Nat Geo?
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: If Fox Networks chooses to remove their signal and prevent DISH Network from carrying their channels, DISH Network will provide alternative solutions and additional programming options. It is our hope that a fair agreement can be reached before this occurs. We have every intention of reaching an agreement so that your programming is not affected.
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: We are working hard to reach a fair and equitable agreement. Negotiations usually proceed quickly, and we hope to reach an agreement soon. DISH Network will not be bullied or forced into reaching an agreement that is unfavorable to our customers, and we are committed to investing in the time that is required to reach a fair deal.
Shaun: ok.. but how does that help me if my team's game is being broadcast on FSN this saturday?
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: Let me check that for you.
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: You can urge Fox Networks to negotiate fairly by contacting them directly at (310) 369-1000. Let them know that you don't want to be forced to pay 55% more just to watch their channels. We're just one company, but there are millions of you. Let Fox Networks hear how their greed will negatively impact your choices.
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: Feel free to share your thoughts and concerns by e-mailing us at We assure you that we will read every e-mail we receive.
Shaun: ok two things... one is that i was told by a CSR rep a few days ago that it was 40% increase.. two is that every other TV provider in my area has already come to a deal with fox
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: DISH Network has offered Fox an extension on the contract that would offer more time and flexibility to reach a fair deal. Fox has not yet responded to our request for an extension. It is our hope that they will agree to allow more time for us to reach an agreement so that customers like you do not lose access to your programming.
Shaun: no to mention... you guys try to take the high road and act like you are fighting for me.. but i would fall on the floor in amazement if the channels go dark and my bill for next month from you guys goes down
Shaun: which means if we keep the channels, my bill goes up... if we lose them, my bill stays the same... see how that doesnt add up?
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: Fox Networks owns a variety of regional sports networks, and some nationally-distributed channels. Depending upon where you live and what programming package you subscribe to, your regional sports network may or may not be impacted by these negotiations. If Fox chooses to remove its signal and prevent DISH Network from carrying your channel, we will have alternative programming solutions available.
Shaun: does that mean my game will still be on my dish service saturday?
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: We are working on it.
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: It will take time.
Shaun: its kind of important.. we are having a party at our house to watch this game... it is kind of crappy that i have to be nervous about whether or not the game will be on because of my TV service
Shaun: i can say with 100% certainty if i end up with no game saturday, come monday morning i will be an ex dish customer
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: Sorry to hear that.
Shaun: and its sad too because i have loved you guys up until the last month or two.. the 922 i paid $200 for is a joke, losing the disney channels was ridiculous.. now this
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: I understand your concern.
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: DISH Network has offered Fox an extension on the contract that would offer more time and flexibility to reach a fair deal. Fox has not yet responded to our request for an extension. It is our hope that they will agree to allow more time for us to reach an agreement so that customers like you do not lose access to your programming.
Shaun: yes you have already copied and pasted that.. thanks
(03) HY1 Shirley V.ZC8: You are welcome.