DISH Comcast Dispute?

I am apparently in the minority but I can't even remember the last time I watched USA Network. Am I missing something? Does the WWE drive its popularity?
Pretty much. They moved Smackdown to USA from SyFy just to keep USA at the top.

I hope when this dispute ends, the channels will be on Sling TV.
I watch none of these comcast channels and dont watch the viacom channels either. If both were dropped they would not be missed.
Just like everyone else is saying, I feel the real culprit here is NBC/Comcast. Almost like... what's that old saying... he who yells loudest wins... or something like that anyway.

NBC/Comcast is most likely the one at fault for demanding unreasonable rate hikes, but they're trying to pin the blame on Dish with all of their ads saying how we should all call Dish and demand they keep the Comcast-owned channels.

The worst part is that it's a no-win scenario, because if Dish manages to come to some sort of agreement, then it'll mean those rate hikes are passed onto us, the consumer. If Dish doesn't come to an agreement, then we lose those channels, and Dish ends up taking the flak for that, possibly losing subscribers and dealing with an angry mob of customers calling their CSRs.

Of all the channels listed, I think the only one I would miss is Syfy, and even then, most of the time, Syfy's programming line-up is garbage. It's only been recently that Syfy has started to air some actual SCI-FI programming again. Ultimately though, I think with the number of channels involved in this dispute, and how some of them are popular with many subs, Dish will probably concede and pay the higher rates...
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I don't watch a single channel involving this dispute (except for KNBC local news on occasion, but I have TiVo for that). I won't even notice they are gone. I really do hope that if they can't reach an agreement, Dish just let's Comcast pull the channels. Comcast is evil.

Further, Comcast's hand may not be as strong this time around because of concessions agreed to when the government allowed the NBC Universal/Comcast merger. This is probably why Comcast started their public campaing so early before the drop date. Comcast hoped to create big pressure on Dish to pay whatever Comcast is asking and not bother filing a complaint with FCC. Brain Roberts is even further to the Dark Side than even Rupert Murdoch. Sorry, but IMHO, all of Comcasts channels are "crap" channels to me. I'm happy to see them go, if they do. Murdoch may be Darth Vader, but Roberts is the Emperor.

Well, we may get BBC World News, after all, to replace MSNBC and the other all news/business NBC channels. Buh-bye Comcast. Hello BBC World News. :)
My NBC local isn't an O&O so it should be OK (?), but I will miss a couple of the others. Wish I had OTA, those of us who don't have that option really get the shaft when it comes to things like this.
This dispute will ONLY affect your local NBC station if you live in one of the previously listed OTA markets that is a NBC O&O. If you don't live in one of those markets, you are fine and your NBC station is only an affilaite, and thus not affected.
So out of curiosity, why do you maintain both? That's got to be a hell of a monthly "nut".
I got the satellite bug after installing my first dish . Than after that countless receivers and switches and cable runs . It's more of a hobby. I like all the technology in all the products dish makes ( most of them) I also love to come here and read about satellite topics every day . My wife and daughter watch the fios tv and I stick with dish . I guess you could call me a loyal customer
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Sad part about this is Comcast can use this to get people to switch from DISH to Comcast.

This is why the cable companies should not be allowed to own the channels.

No matter what happens Comcast wins.
Comcast dropped YES would be a good time for a dish counter attack
My daughter was watching a show this morning that was recorded from last night and she said dad dish is not going to Carry NBC any more the banner at the bottom of the screen says so ..My wife asks why and she responded I guess because dish sucks . How many other people are seeing this and thinking the same . Comcast is definitely using this to there advantage.
One of my absolute requirements for a pay TV provider is that I get NASCAR race coverage. Dish loses NBCSN/USA for a significant time, and I'll have to look elsewhere. Luckily there is some time before the NBC portion of the season, so they have until 7/2 to get it figured out before I'd be affected.
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The only thing I would miss are the NCIS reruns on USA, everything else in that package is crap. Did anyone else notice that when USA started scrolling their whine yesterday they messed up the audio and only background sounds were audible?
The only thing I would miss are the NCIS reruns on USA, everything else in that package is crap. Did anyone else notice that when USA started scrolling their whine yesterday they messed up the audio and only background sounds were audible?

Don't forget the NCIS LA reruns on Esquire. :)
The only thing I would miss are the NCIS reruns on USA, everything else in that package is crap. Did anyone else notice that when USA started scrolling their whine yesterday they messed up the audio and only background sounds were audible?

You could watch NCIS reruns on Netflix.
I have a lot of feelings on these disputes. I don't think it is fair that a handful of companies own dozens of channels and use the one or two good ones that they have as negotiating tools for all the lousy channels they force the providers to take. We're not privy to the negotiations so we really don't know if allowing contracts to expire are effective in negotiating lower rates. The people subscribing to pay TV are declining each year, and the people left are paying on average $100/mo for TV, so I really think they have a right to be upset about any disruption in service.
That's where ala carte would come into play.

Sad part about this is Comcast can use this to get people to switch from DISH to Comcast.

This is why the cable companies should not be allowed to own the channels.

No matter what happens Comcast wins.
just another reason we need ala carte
we would know better what the network was charging
how many channels would disappear if no one wanted to sub to them?
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