Every year I hear that AT&T is going to buy Dish. Not going to happen unless Charlie wants to sell. He owns 51% of the stock and controls 80% of the votes. Much more likely hell would freeze over.
DUDE! Fix your quotes! I wasn't the one who said that. chicagonettech did. This is the exchange.
We can afford the changes, but I shudder to think what the increase in costs is going to be in February 2013. If they acquire AT&T, or as the most recent FCC filing suggests, AT&T acquires Dish, I am betting the costs will go through the ceiling.
Now, this is what I responded with:
You've been here long enough to know better than this. Every year the rumor comes around that AT&T is going to buy Dish. It never happens and probably never will. Dish is in the habit of BUYING companies, not being bought.