Dish - Can you add just one channel to a given package?


New Member
Original poster
Aug 17, 2004
Here's my deal - I would like to subscribe to Dish on the $24.99/mo package (great deal!) but this package doesn't include the 'Noggin' channel. My kids love it. And my wife would kick my butt if I cancelled our cable that offers Noggin.

So my question is: Can I add only the Noggin channel to the 24.99/mo package?


EDIT: Apologies! I am a newbie here and I posted this in the wrong subforum. Can the thread be moved to the proper forum? Thank you.... again, apologies.
The problem with single channels is that the channels themselves want to be in as many households as possible. If the channels were available on an a-la-carte basis, then all of the less mainstream channels would not have the household counts that they have, and advertisers would not advertise on them, and then the channels would not be financially viable, so they would be closed down.

Remember it costs alot to produce a TV channel, and you need to get it in front of as many eyeballs as possible.

aperry said:
Sure miss the days that Dish offered the option to add channels of your choice for $1.50 each...

Miss the days?

Did they stop it?

I still get one UPN channel a la carte .... Do they only allow it for UPN?
The only thing you can order alacarte for 1.50 is distants (if you qualify) or Sueprs. I added WPIX for 1.50

There use to be a package called "Dish Pix" was 10 channels for $15 and 1.50 each add'l channel....this was back in the AT40 days :)

Here is a list of what you can order alacarte
All I want or care about is SPEED Channel. If I could order it a la carte, I would and only buy the lowest package.. As it is, I had to order the top 120. Still beats cable.
I wonder if Comcast would allow me to order Noggin a la carte. Doubt it, being the communists that they generally are.

This is kind of a deal - killer for me. Kids, trying to save money, all that good stuff.

Oh well, thanks for all the replies!
fyi... congress is tossing round the idea of legislation that would allow for alacart chans.

i believe the fair compramise is to still have packages... but not set chan's. so for X dollars a month, you get X many channels. then you get to pick which channels to fill your X spaces. perhaps they could do something like... if you take chanX then it comes with Chans X and X... that way the weaker chans don't get put out of business. this would thus allow ppl to have some freedom in their chan lineup.

if they goto alacart... i hope they do it MY way. (hehehehehe)
What may work better is to allow smaller channel packages such as all the channels each company has to offer instead of each channel individually. This would prevent each company from dropping some of the channels from the lineup (unless they charged just as much for fewer channels).
digThisXL said:
I wonder if Comcast would allow me to order Noggin a la carte. Doubt it, being the communists that they generally are.

This is kind of a deal - killer for me. Kids, trying to save money, all that good stuff.

Oh well, thanks for all the replies!

The only channel that I know of to buy separatly is the "Outdoor Channel". It costs an extra $2.50 a month.

Stargazer said:
What may work better is to allow smaller channel packages such as all the channels each company has to offer instead of each channel individually. This would prevent each company from dropping some of the channels from the lineup (unless they charged just as much for fewer channels).

exactly. that's what i was getting at... this would be the perfect solution. so you get say, 60 chan's for X dollars. if you want super-duper chan X, you also have to take not so super-duper chan A, B, and C. so you've used up 4 of your pics. not a perfect world for those wanting complete control... but a fair compramize.

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