:I've been saying this ever since I found out 35 yrs ago how I had to watch commercials and pay exorbitant fees and franchise costs. Told the local cable co. to get lost (Comcast).
I always thought that the the broadcasters wanted higher viewer-ship to be able to charge sponsors more money. Isn't / wasn't
that their business plan, the more watchers the more money?
The only reason I have satellite is because of my inability receive the stupid digital signals.
As far as where we, watchers are concerned, our voice will no more be heard by the FCC than our voice is heard by our Senators and Congresspersons.
Since I just received my newest bill increase I will vote with my dollars and drop the subscription, sorta cutting off my nose to spite my face but I really do feel strongly about this. With the exception of a few shows, TV is just a lot of white noise.
Just one guys rant.:rant:
We could start an on line petition. There is such a site for expressing our opinions. Will look it up if interested.