Dish Breach of My Contract

This is correct.

I still can't believe all the people who start crying about price and channel changes. This is nothing new and it has been going on since the beginning of pay TV. I don't care if it was cable or satellite, but this has been the norm from day one.

Don't believe me? Try and go back and see what you were paying for TV in the early and mid 90's and look at what you are paying now. You will see that you are paying an average of over $20 more now !!!!! Also compare your channel packages. Are they still the same or do they stay the same? NO. So why is it such a big surprise or issue every year?

Every Feb you see price increases because this is when all the new contracts are signed by the providers from the programmers who always increase their costs to the providers.

If you want to see this stop then you need to focus your frustrations on the channels themselves !!!! You need to contact any company that advertises on the channels that increase their rates and let them know that you will boycott their product if they continue to advertise on these channels. It is the programmers that are making your rates go up not the providers. Sometimes these costs are way out of line and the provider has to dump the channel because they know that the consumer will freak out if they raise their rates even higher than they all ready have to because of the other price increases.

So if you want to see another price increase next Feb, and you will see one, then just sit back, keep blaming the wrong source, and keep switching back and forth between providers to get a "better deal". This solves nothing !!!!

Just my $.02

Hey, I have no issue with the price increases, but to loose a major TV station is the issue. I would pay more just to make sure I get what I pay for! (However I don't want to have two bills, and multiple receivers, I want DVR access to these channels without changing inputs, or remotes.) I have contacted KATU, and got the standard response they are giving everyone, nothing specific on my request or complaint. I don't care who's problem this is, I just want a resolution, and I am sure I am a minor complainer in comparison to other people. I just wanted to have my facts straight to make a decision or to stay with them and hold out. At the least, someone should tell us what is going on!
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I would personally like to see congress jump in and regulate these over-the-phone 'contracts' to include such limitations as pricing and content but a good first step would be to actually require actual signatures on actual contracts.

an oral contract that is recorded has the same power as a signed contract. your word is your bond...
... I would personally like to see congress jump in...

And that is how Congress is going to use Smart Meters on your home to regulate your electricity and put GPS in your car to regulate and tax you for the mileage you drive.

Congress represents YOU. YOU need to take action and YOU need to educate people around you so that they stop signing and agreeing to these kinds of contracts.

The real problem is we have an entire generation of video game addicts who will agree to ANYTHING as long as their XBOX360 or PS3 always works and they can buy the latest game. I'm not talking about teens, I'm talking about grown "men".

Congress will be glad to take your money and spend millions studying the subject for you.

info needed

are there Wireless recievers for Dish network?
