I have two 722k receivers. One is downstairs & the other is on the same level as my router. The downstairs receiver is connected using the WIFI connector sold by dish. It streams HD video without buffering. Dish requires a minimum of 40 using the onscreen grid. I get between 45 to 51. The receiver on the same floor as the router was installed yesterday. It is connected using a Dish supplied home plug. Downloads are slow and don't stream. I have a WIFI connector ordered for this receiver. The router is a dual band Netgear 300. Since I can't run a hard wire to either receiver the WIFI is the way to go.
I use the Dish Wifi adapter with excellent results. Almost immediate streaming (about 10 seconds or so to start up), excellent picture and sound quality, normally will play the entire movie without buffering...only one movie buffered for about 5 seconds additional part way into the movie. As mentioned you need a certain number on the on-screen guide for optimal results. Mine is usually around 50 or slightly better. Using this with a Netgear wireless-N gigabit router.
Just wondering if anyone posting on this is a new customer to dish or someone who is now is the process of moving to dish from cable or directv Amy thoughts or feedback?
Just merged my accounts and chatted with Dish to get my 2 Disc rental from BBMP. All went well so far. I wonder what happens to non dish equipment with Blockbuster streaming...My Samsung BD player is tied in to stream BB, and I had one free streaming for doing it. I guess I'll try over the weekend with the Sammy just to see what will happen...Not really a big deal to me since I still get streaming with the 722k.
How does Blockbuster deal with tv show season sets and with single movies that come on two discs? I imagine I can just take one of the four or so discs in the TV show seasons and I would get both DVDs for the movie.
Got my first BB disc on Tuesday. Said "short wait" in the Que but it looks like it shipped the first business day after going into my Que.
Movie was "Hanna" in blu-ray.
yeah the indicator doesn't always indicate how long it will take as I have had "Long Wait" movies ship right away.
On a sadder note...the move you received, Hanna...it sucked.
yeah the indicator doesn't always indicate how long it will take as I have had "Long Wait" movies ship right away.
On a sadder note...the move you received, Hanna...it sucked.
Yeah, I'm a little confused by the number of post that got new movies (i.e.: Thor, X-men) shipped out when I've had them in my queue for a while now and it's still showing "very long wait". Also, BB shipped me disc 2 of "The Count of Monte Cristo" which I received last Saturday, then on Monday I received disc 1. Both of the disc I had return prior to "The Count of Monte Cristo" BB got back on the same day.
How do I tell where BB is shipping my disc from?
i guess its where ever it goes back to on the envelope?
I guess I should take a better look at the blue envelopes!