This is AWESOME news...a very nimble, well-thought execution on Dish's part, imho. I've been a DirectTV, Voom, Comcast and Dish TV sub over the years and a Netflix and now BB-by-Mail sub for Disc content--and the Dish/BB combo now takes the cake value-wise.
Dish covers the high/lo end subscriber who wants HD on a range of budgets like no one else in the pay TV market. And no surcharge for blu-ray and games included make BB's offering much better than Netflix's disc service (and if you have a BB store in your area, as we do, and can take advantage of unlimited in-store exchanges, it effectively multiplies your disc consumption rate possibilities). Dish needs something like this not just to fly in the face of a changing viewer expectations (less TV/couch-based more mobile PC-based, ala streaming vs 'broadcast'), but, quite honestly, stake its own against the Comcasts of the world w/ their vertical integrations and tons of 'free' VOD content offerings.
My ONLY two complaints with this deal, as it stands right now (and I know this is just the beginning of things here): 1) I wish existing BB subs could transfer/merge their queues and preferences, rather than cancel and re-setup. Kind of a PitA. 2) I wish there was an easier way to aggregate content/services alongside Dish OTHER than the GoogleTV settop. I have Amazon Prime, and would LOVE to see an app/portal on my Dish receiver--they NEED to partner with other sources too, or open up their boxes as 'Platforms' for consumption like the AppleTV et al, while maintaining their 'store' of content as the centerpiece.
In the end, I think Sling was a great first step and this is the second to Dish becoming a true 21st C media "player" fact, I say we start coming up with suggestions for their re-branding and name change. The "Dish" part is a bit limiting and will likely NOT describe the company's technological bread-winner in a few years if they're as smart as I suppose they are. Maybe they need to make the Echo more front-and-center in their branding (as in, did you see the latest Echo box, or Echo app upgade?)...