I was able to get 3 months of free service because of those idiots a few years ago. They left a threatening message on my voicemail that went along the lines of "This is Dish network audit te mcall us back at xxx-xxx-xxxx. We know you are there & aren't answering the phone. Call us back within 15 minutes or we are cancelling your service, placing a bad mark on your credit, and informing the police you have stolen service."
I came home and all but one receiver was off. I called in (I was at work) and they had me reading off serial #'s and software information.
I sent a copy of the voicemail to the CEO email and got a call a few days later with the offer of free service.
I hope they have gotten a litlte better since then.
It was the most retarded VM I have ever heard in my life
I kept my three owned 622s plugged into a phone line just to avoid the Dish Audit Nazis. "No Dish for You!"
ME too! I decided to keep all plugged in to avoid ever having to talk to these people again. They called me on my cell phone a few years back ,when I was headed out to eat dinner and go to a movie , and I told them as much. They said to call them back at the number listed on my cell when I got home, or they would turn off all my receivers but one.
Well we got home later after the movie and sure enough all were turned off except one 510 dvr I had . So I called and they treated me like crap. They told me they were too busy to talk to me at the time and they would call me back later. Chicken sh*t bastards!
An hour later they called me back and made me jump through all the hoops, reading receiver numbers etc and when I was through they said: Okay, will turn them back on but you better hook them up to a phone line or the next time we call ,there will be no turning them back on.
So in order to keep from ever having this problem again, I hooked my land line back up to use it just for the receivers. This was back when I had the 921 and before we had ethernet connections for the receiver.
I would think that DISH would be better off closing down this one department. They are only good for creating churn and bad word of mouth. I would of thought of leaving myself ,but I have 3 DISH accounts ; mine, parents,aunt.
That is funny...but I don't think all the accounts are at the OPs location.This story makes even less sense then the others, you have 3 accounts, why would they think you are stacking?![]()
LOL, i agree with what Volmaul posted.
I kept my three owned 622s plugged into a phone line just to avoid the Dish Audit Nazis. "No Dish for You!"
That is funny...but I don't think all the accounts are at the OPs location.We'll need a confirmation on this one.
The good thing is with no reward for having a phone line hooked up and fewer people every day even having a landline, more people will be in the audit window.
This is good because the more people they have to call, the slimmer the chance they will call you.
I too wonder if everything is as it should be how you fail an audit. Not by a long shot saying it doesn't happen, but it makes me wonder what the trigger was.
the number that the reciever calls uses ANINot caller ID and it cannot be blocked.
I was able to get 3 months of free service because of those idiots a few years ago. They left a threatening message on my voicemail that went along the lines of "This is Dish network audit te mcall us back at xxx-xxx-xxxx. We know you are there & aren't answering the phone. Call us back within 15 minutes or we are cancelling your service, placing a bad mark on your credit, and informing the police you have stolen service."
I came home and all but one receiver was off. I called in (I was at work) and they had me reading off serial #'s and software information.
I sent a copy of the voicemail to the CEO email and got a call a few days later with the offer of free service.
I hope they have gotten a litlte better since then.
It was the most retarded VM I have ever heard in my life
I would think that having AEP + multi sport pack+ a bunch of sports packs like Center Ice hockey etc, & a lot of pay per views a month, all with multiple duo tuner receivers ,and none hooked up to a phone line would scream to Audit Nazis: Stacking of accounts or account sharing.