Dish Anywhere / Android 5.0 issues


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jun 7, 2010
Central Iowa
So I received the update to the new version of Android on my phone (Nexus 5) the other day, and just last night I tried to use the Dish Anywhere app for the first time. It seems to just show the opening splash screen, then flash a couple times before eventually just closing. I then tried uninstalling/reinstalling. After that, it prompted me for my user/pass, but then closed again.

Anyone else having issues running these two together? My next step might be to just reset my phone and see if that helps, but I suspect the app just isn't compatible with this version of Android.
I contacted Dish at the email address listed for the app in the Google Play store. I received a reply that they are working on an update to fix the issue which is "tentatively scheduled for December". :eeek
I am also now experiencing this. If I recall correctly they never updated the app to run under ART. Default runtime manager prior to version L was Dalvik and if you changed over to ART the same thing happened.
Hey dlsnyder.....what do I need to Google to learn more about what you are referring to about the run times? What keywords in addition to "runtime"? This sounds like something I would like to learn more about.
The reason that fix is taking until December is because it has to go through the app store approval process before it can be released.

Android apps do not need to go through an approval process, only iOS apps do. (Note Apps going through the Amazon Apps store DO need to go through an approval process by Amazon)
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Yeah, I've been telling Dish App support for months that DA didn't work on 5.0, and they never seemed to care. Then I got the answer for December.

They really need to take the same stance as other important apps, and allow beta testing, I get a new facebook app, almost every other day with fixes, and sometimes bugs. But when there are bugs, they are usually fixed the same day, which is pretty nice.

Luckily, I am fine for DA on my G3 till it gets upgraded. But my tablets are DOA. I actually downgraded my Nexus 7 so I could pull some movies for my last trip to florida.
Android apps do not need to go through an approval process, only iOS apps do. (Note Apps going through the Amazon Apps store DO need to go through an approval process by Amazon)

That was the reason that was listed on the email from tech ops on 5.0 issue. I though it was a little odd myself, but I trust what information comes from then.
That was the reason that was listed on the email from tech ops on 5.0 issue. I though it was a little odd myself, but I trust what information comes from then.

As Scott mentioned, there is no approval process for Android. Also there has been a developer's preview of Android 5 out since June so no excuse to be taking this long to fix.
I heard a lot of apps and companies are having issues with this update. Not just a dish issue. I'm an apple guy, so not sure, but yea.
I heard a lot of apps and companies are having issues with this update. Not just a dish issue. I'm an apple guy, so not sure, but yea.

Well, what is worse, is that ART has been around for at least a year, and available for testing on tons of phones by switching to developer mode.... I think even my old Note 2 can do that. So they have had no excuse other than completely ignoring this app.
Are you going to blame dish, when there are so many other companies affected by it as well? Sounds like there may have been an issue with the software update, and not necessarily the app.
Are you going to blame dish, when there are so many other companies affected by it as well? Sounds like there may have been an issue with the software update, and not necessarily the app.

Yup completely blame dish. Every app I have on my LG G3 works fine on my Nexus 7 and 10. So yes, I do blame them.

I DO also imagine they probably have their reasons, lack of funding, app subcontracted out for development, etc. All speculation, but understandable.

I just want it to work again on my Nexus 7 without having to go back to 4.4
Yup completely blame dish. Every app I have on my LG G3 works fine on my Nexus 7 and 10. So yes, I do blame them.

I DO also imagine they probably have their reasons, lack of funding, app subcontracted out for development, etc. All speculation, but understandable.

I just want it to work again on my Nexus 7 without having to go back to 4.4

fully agree. This is the only app I have which isn't ok with 5.0. This was nothing more than poor planning by Dish.
The reason that fix is taking until December is because it has to go through the app store approval process before it can be released.

Jason, it is December, and although I have NEVER seen a suppose'ed app approval process take weeks with Android, I am curious if you have any status to this issue?

For the record, I receive updates from companies like facebook, evernote, etc, sometimes daily, so I'm a bit hesitant to believe anyone saying they are waiting on Google's APP approval. I could see if it was being released for the first time, but this app has been out for quite a while, and this is just an update... Should be able to be released immediately if the app is actually fixed, which I think is MORE of the problem....

And yeah, starting to get impatient. I miss putting shows on my Nexus 7 and watching/listening to them in my office offline, since I don't have wifi in my office.
I haven't had an android for some years now, do they update automatically, or can you hold it off for a bit?

What are these guide icons?

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