Dish America Gold - Channel list not online and CS can't tell me what's on it...


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 28, 2009
Waco, Texas
Hi Guys ---

After getting our box set back up after 6 months of DishPause, I signed-up for Dish America Gold. Logging into our account and clicking My Programming, the Learn More link next to Dish America goes to this site. With this my assumption was the three tiers were Dish America, Dish America Silver, and Dish America Gold, so I thought we'd be getting all the HD channels listed under the America Top 250 package. And with this package being just $10 less than the America Top 250 and with the Learn More link going to this page, that seemed logical.

Yeah, wasn't the case. I'm getting about the same channels we had before we moved in February, which back then we were on an HD only package that was $25/month (total bill was $47/month) and very limited. Now our bill will be closer to $80/month and according to the rep I spoke to at Dish the Dish America Gold is basically the same package we had before (no MTV, VH1, Fox News, Style HD, G4, etc), just for twice as much. I asked her about the website and talked her through how I was viewing the channels, but she said there must be something wrong on the site since Dish America Gold has only a fraction of the channels listed when clicking Learn More next to it from my account.

So now we're looking at just moving to the Top 250 package with HD for Life (probably just redo another two year contract) and HD platinum. Doing this will be $10 more than what we're paying now and with many more channels plus the music channels.

The rep said she would email me a list of channels with each package, but after getting it, it only has the Top 120/200/250 packages and has no mention of the Dish America Gold package. It's the same PDF from their website here.

What am I missing here?? Why does Dish even offer these Dish America packages if they can't tell you what's on them? And given Dish told customers what's on these packages, why would someone choose one since they're so limited???

Thanks for any feedback before I call them back. Take care,

See Dish HD Information that's stickied on the page. Then click on the pdf in Scott's first post.

I completely missed that .. thanks. We were on one of the Turbo packages before, so it makes since that Dish changed it -- but doubling the price for no more channels is nuts! I don't see $10 difference worth it when comparing the limited selection of Dish America Gold to what you get with Top 250 with HD for Life.


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