Intresting Read...
"The Hopper also has PrimeTime Anytime capability, an exclusive feature that allows viewers to enable the recording of HD primetime TV programming on ABC, CBS, Fox and NBC. The Hopper will save all of these recordings for up to eight days (at the consumer's option) after they have aired (with the ability for the consumer to store selected recordings for a longer period), storing approximately 100 hours of primetime TV shows on the DVR hard drive, and making it easy to access episodes from the previous night, or the previous week."
"The Hopper also has PrimeTime Anytime capability, an exclusive feature that allows viewers to enable the recording of HD primetime TV programming on ABC, CBS, Fox and NBC. The Hopper will save all of these recordings for up to eight days (at the consumer's option) after they have aired (with the ability for the consumer to store selected recordings for a longer period), storing approximately 100 hours of primetime TV shows on the DVR hard drive, and making it easy to access episodes from the previous night, or the previous week."