Added a 522 with success
Well it only took 3 trys but I finally got my new 522 activated.
I was expecting the worse after reading grizduck's post but the type of receiver I wanted to add to my account was never even an issue.
(1st Call) I hooked it up last night and made my first call (of 3) to activate the unit. The CSR was very nice but obviously new. She was more worried about telling me what my new monthly balance was now going to be with the addition of adding a new receiver then she was with the model of the receiver. She never asked what model just told me it should activate in 5 to 10 minutes. (It didn't)
(2nd Call) After waiting approx 30 minutes after the first call I still could not access any of the channels so I made my 2nd call. This CSR said that they had added the new receiver to my account but did not activate it. He tried to do it again but said his computer would not let him. He had no idea why this was happening. This is where I started to get nervous! He said my account showed that I had 5 receivers on it and that I would have to verify each receiver number before he could activate the new one. I said I would call back tomorrow and do what he suggested. I dont know why he thought this was necessary but it was late and I didn't want to argue with the guy.
(3rd Call) Called back today to give it another try. This time the CSR just looked up my account and asked which receiver I was trying to add and said she sent the hit to activate it and that it should be working in 15 minutes. She even stayed on the phone with me while I waited. My channels showed up in about 2 or 3 minutes and we said good bye. Easy as Pie!!
My question is, what was the big deal? Why was it so hard for me to add a new receiver to my account? I don't think it had anything to do with it being a 522 because they didn't even ask what kind it was. IMHO I think Dish has a real problem with keeping CSR's on staff so you're always talking to less experienced people.
Well it's over with now, but I still seem to have a problem. I can access the guide and select one of my pay channels but I have to do it through the guide. If I press the channel up or down button it will jump to one of the Dish channels like the unit is still not activated. If I continue to channel up or down I only get a selection of the Dish channels. I have to go though the guide to select one of my pay channels. Hopefully this will clear up after leaving the unit on for awhile.
Well sorry for the long post, thought other people might be interested in my attempt to add a 522 to my account without leasing the unit. My advice, just have patience, you will need it while dealing with Dish's CSR's.