Avoid using a circuit breaker to turn things on and off... circuit breakers are designed to trip when there is an overload of power (hence the 'break' part of the name) if you repeatably turn a breaker on and off you are wearing out the breaker / shortening its life, and it's not cheap to replace (well the breaker is pretty cheap but the labor / emergency call will not be)... conversely if you have to constantly reset a tripped breaker that may indicate another problem (overload / worn out breaker). Plus
Not good, I'd suggest you get another power strip and only plug in the dish receiver into it and then plug the other end into the wall, position the power strip on / off where it's easier to flip.
Not good, I'd suggest you get another power strip and only plug in the dish receiver into it and then plug the other end into the wall, position the power strip on / off where it's easier to flip.