Dish 6-screen election coverage!

Lol, good one. I was not saying that I would actually care to see that, just saying that I am surprised that Charlie didnt use all the available technology that he could use for that chat, particularly the tech chats.
Stargazer said:
Lol, good one. I was not saying that I would actually care to see that, just saying that I am surprised that Charlie didnt use all the available technology that he could use for that chat, particularly the tech chats.

Don't say that, then Charlie will get the idea that Compelling HDTV content will be "Charlie Chat's in HD"
Just as an FYI the Election 6 pack is up and running on most model receivers including the 811.

dispatcher_21 said:
Why cant they set it up so that the user can pick the 6 channels they want up on the screen at once? That would be awesome!
It's because this is a statically combined frame of all 6 channel streams. They combine the screens at the uplink facility (or somewhere before that). Many of us here agree though that a permanent form of this would be awesome, especially for news stations. Just like this, but I'd lose MTV, keep CC. :)

Heck, some of us may potentially be willing to give E* just a little bit more money each month, as a separately subscribed service, to have access to a permanent news one. Hint hint. Just a little bit extra though, let's not get carried away.
Let me be the first to whine that they get this finally added to their FLAGSHIP receiver the 921. (Although I'm starting to feel like a dingy being dragged behind lately)
I hear ya Bob. I finally get this on my 811. Alas my 6000 is still a stepchild. I spent $600 on that 6000, only $150 on the 811.
Got my first BSOD in months yesterday, after my first trip to the 6 screen election summary. As soon as I selected Exit, wham! Titles, no picture!
Isn't it strange that Dish didn't promote this feature . . . at least I didn't know anything about it until I read this post.
They should run some comercials if they want more people to know. It is on their website, but you're right though, if it wasn't for this site I probably wouldn't know half the stuff dish does...
They did send out a press release, and I expect that you will start seeing promos for it soon on some of the other channels in lieu of more PPV ads.

I wish they would bring back the CNN-esque channel updates that they used to have with Laurie Farkas talking about topics of interest to subscribers. They wouldn't need much, just a 30 minute loop updated once a week or so...... C'Mon guys, bring it back.........!
mitchflorida said:
Give me a break, MTV for election coverage???

Someone's been smoking a funny cigarette at Dish Programming.
Without MTV and CC, they couldn't fill the six slots. Personally, I think it's a good idea as MTV has done a lot to get young voters involved in he process. The youth vote might actually be a deciding factor this year.
I have a Dish 500 PVR and I can only get the CNN (selection 1) Audio. Anyway to have the audio switch or is my PVR just old? The Model Says DP510 Software version P223DFED-N.

Any hope/thoughts/ideas/instructions would be greatly appreciated!

Bobby said:
It's about time they started to take care of their future.....
...after all, they're the ones who will be paying for it!

I don't know if it's me, but I think the selected channel in the OpenTV App has better video quality than the raw channel. I switched from CC tonight to the Dish Election coverage, selected CC, and there seemed to be less JPEG artifacts and better color. Anyone else notice this?

But, then again, I watch "The Daily Show", and we all know what that means... :cool:
TuxCoder said:
Here's why I like Faux News Channel. It is also broadcast FTA, and on that broadcast, there is a second audio track which is the director shouting live cues to all the crew. It's really interesting to hear what all needs to go on to produce their 'stuff'. He is really going at a rate of a couple dozen orders per minute, with all the camera changes, remote cameras, b-roll footage, bugs, crawler, etc. Otherwise it's identical to the cable/sat one (with the first audio track containing its usual right wing conservative babble).

You can listen and learn how to run a news channel like a real republican.

How do you get to that extra audio channel? Use the SAP?

I do video directing and its a lot of fun. There is always a lot going on in the control room to make a production happen like you said... :)

Info on new HD?

Dish 721 connected to only one sat (148)

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