dish 1000 and a dp34 switch

rfic said:
'm newbie, just get dish1000 (install 2 LNBs, one small) for americ 60, HD package, VOOM, movie channel
now i try to add a switch, so i connect to 2 receivers (or more in the future). i'm considering dp34. but after read this post, i'm confused: too many terminology
so what's conclusion now: it works or NOT? do i need some additonal stuff?
Well, if all you want is two receivers connected, you're fine with what you have.
If you want more (up to four), and they're single tuners, a DP34 will work.
If you want more dual tuners, you'd be better off with the DPP44, so you don't have to run two cables to each dual-tuner receiver.
And welcome :welcome
mdonnelly said:
Well, if all you want is two receivers connected, you're fine with what you have.
If you want more (up to four), and they're single tuners, a DP34 will work.
If you want more dual tuners, you'd be better off with the DPP44, so you don't have to run two cables to each dual-tuner receiver.
And welcome :welcome

thanks for quick reply. what is dual-tuner reciever? you mean one reciever with DVR?

right now, i have 2 HD811 receiver, and want to hook up. but in the future, maybe i need DVR. but to my understanding, DVR just like another receiver, so as long as my total receivers (include DVR) are less than 4, dp34 should be always OK.

do i miss sth?

thanks again
There is a single tuner DVR (501, 508, 510, 721) and dual tuner DVR for SD (522, 625).

There is also a single tuner DVR for HD (921) and the dual tuner DVR (942 and the soon to be released 622).

You'll be fine with a DP34 even with a dual tuner DVR and your 2 811s.

Hope that helps and welcome to the site.
rfic said:
thanks for quick reply. what is dual-tuner reciever? you mean one reciever with DVR?
right now, i have 2 HD811 receiver, and want to hook up. but in the future, maybe i need DVR. but to my understanding, DVR just like another receiver, so as long as my total receivers (include DVR) are less than 4, dp34 should be always OK.
do i miss sth?
thanks again
All the Dish HD DVR's will be dual-tuners. That means two connections to the LNB, so the receiver can record two shows at once, or give you a picture-in-a-picture (PIP) of two channels at once. With the DPP44 (and the DPP Twin), you can use a DPP Separator at the receiver to split one line from the switch into two lines for the receiver.

If you don't mind running two cables to the DVR, then you're fine with the DP34.
thank guys.

i check the dpp44 price: looks like i'll stick to dp34 right now

another question: do i just need to physically hook up dp34, or i have to do sth in my receiver's setup menu. i do see u post some pic of "install summary"

hard for me to catch up :(
No offense but it sounds like you may want to call a professional installer to do the job.

If you still want to give it a shot:

- Run 3 lines from the Lnbs to the DP34 switch.
- The DP34 switch has 4 outputs so run one cable to each receiver.
- Run check switch in the receiver (6, 1, 1, Check switch).
rfic said:
'm newbie, just get dish1000 (install 2 LNBs, one small) for americ 60, HD package, VOOM, movie channel
now i try to add a switch, so i connect to 2 receivers (or more in the future). i'm considering dp34. but after read this post, i'm confused: too many terminology
so what's conclusion now: it works or NOT? do i need some additonal stuff?

If you get a Dish1000 with the standard DPP LNB, you can connect to two receivers with no further switches. Just run one RG6 coax line from the dish to each receiver. And if it is a dual-tuner receiver, you can still support it with the single coax feed by adding a separator at that receiver location so it will feed both tuners. Great system for 2-receiver homes!
i'm not sure: i have only ONE cable from my dish1000, right now it's connected to my 811; but i considering if i can connect to 2nd receiver also.
pls check my visual connection before i physically do it

hi, guys,

i read all ur post, and go back home check my dish 1000 asembly manual, now i think i catch up what u guys talking about. i plan to do following connection, pls help me check to see if it's correct, thanks:

1. dish1000

1) DPP twin, which has "port 1", "port2" (NOT used in my case), "LNB in" (connected to DP dual)
2) DP dual, which is connected to DPP twin's "LNB in"

2. so there's only ONE cable from DPP twin's "port1" into my house

--- i hope to keep this way so that only one cable instead of 2 or 3 cables run thru my wall

3. DP 34 switch inside house

i'll connect the input cable (which is from DPP twin's port 1) to DP 34's one input, then hook up 2 outputs from DP 34 to 2 of my single-tuner receiver


that's my plan. but after i really the dish 1000 assembly manual, it seems i can NOT connect DP dual to DPP twin's "LNB in" ; instead, i should connect it to DP34 switch. or i just have another cable from "port 2" of DPP twin. either way, i have to have at least 2 cable run thru my wall.

so my question can i connect as i decribed before, or i have to have at least 2 cable go into my house

hoepfully this clear to all u guys and give me some clear reply

If you're going to use a DP34 for 3 o 4 receivers, you will need three cable runs to the switch one for each satellite location (119, 110, and 129). The LNB in is disabled when you use a switch, so you must run 3 cables to the DP34 switch.

Like Rdinkel said, if you just want to add a second receiver, you need one more cable run going into the second receiver from the DPP Twin.

"i'll connect the input cable (which is from DPP twin's port 1) to DP 34's one input, then hook up 2 outputs from DP 34 to 2 of my single-tuner receiver"

If you do that you will get only one satellite location in both receivers.
Miner said:
I've also heard of people sucessfully using a separator with a DP-34 and a dual tuner receiver. I figure that all versions of DP-34s are not equal. Perhaps some are closer to a DPP-44, and share some of the capabilities.
Just a theory.
Bad theory. No idea where you heard the DPPlus-Separator would work with a DP34, but it's guaranteed a NO GO.

The DP34 control chip doesn't have the brains to handle DPPlus commands. Period.

Just repeating a post on one of the forums (thought it was this one, but could have been the other site) where a user was claiming, insisting, that he was able to use a separator with a DP-34 and dual tuner receiver. If his claim is true, the theory holds credence; unless all DP-34s work with a separator. Or it is PFM.

I still use legacy LNBs, a quad and an SW-21.

Miner said:
I've also heard of people sucessfully using a separator with a DP-34 and a dual tuner receiver. I figure that all versions of DP-34s are not equal. Perhaps some are closer to a DPP-44, and share some of the capabilities.
Just a theory.

You either Heard/Read wrong and your theory is incorrect.
You can not use a DPP Separator with a DP34.
I've even tried several times to no avail:D
Dish1000 required for new HD receivers?

I currently have a 6000 and 4900 receiver hooked up to two 500 dishes pointing to the 110/119 and 61.5 locations. I am considering the upgrade from the 6000 to the new 211 HD receiver. Part of the upgrade suggests an upgrade to the Dish 1000 will be done if required. Will my existing dishes be OK or will the upgrade to a 1000 be needed? I hear mention of a 129 location, is that for the new HD?
Yes, new HD is on 129 if you're not in Florida or New England. If you wait until 1FEB, you can get the dish and receiver upgrade for $99 from Dish.
One or Two - single or dual tuner receiver(s) will work with the original Dish1000 hardware. The dual tuner receivers use the DPP seperator. The single tuner receivers do not use the DPP seperator. If you want more than two single tuner receivers then you will need a DP-34 switch. If you need more than four tuners total then you will need to get either a DPP-44 switch or cascade the DP-34's (or is that possible in this scenario)?
RandallA said:
There is a single tuner DVR (501, 508, 510, 721) and dual tuner DVR for SD (522, 625).
There is also a single tuner DVR for HD (921) and the dual tuner DVR (942 and the soon to be released 622).
My 921 is a dual tuner DVR as is the 721. Both operate only in Single Mode. Outputs <> tuners. To reinforce what you were answering (DVR does not imply dual tuner), the 322 and future ViP222 are dual tuner multi-room non-DVR receivers.

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