DISEqC doesn't work

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New Member
Original poster
Jan 15, 2013

I am relatively new to the field of satellite. Started a job 6 months ago at a company which sells satellite equipment and has a small teleport.

I am trying to use DiSEqC and having problems. Trying to figure out what i could be doing wrong.

I have a DMS International 4 in 1 DISEqC switch version 2.0. I am trying to receive 2 C-band satellite signals, one from SES-2 and one from NSS 806 in one IRD using this DISEqC switch.

On the DiSEqC switch Input 1 is connected to a SES-2 3737 Vertical tp 2, Input 2 is connected to NSS 806 3875L tp 23A.

Input 1 is coming from a 12 port active L Band splitter. Input 2 is coming from tuner out of another IRD locked to NSS 806 3875L.

The IRD supports DISEqC version 1.0 and it gives an option to choose 4 DISEqC ports. I lock on to SES-2 signal irrespective of what DISEqC port i choose on the IRD (A, B, C and D).

But i am unable to receive the NSS 806 signal which is on input 2 of the the DISEqC switch.

My question is am i doing something wrong or do i need to do something additional for DISEqC to work?

Does it matter that DISEqC switch is not connected directly to the LNB, but to a splitter and another IRD?

There is an option for LNB 22 KHz. Should this be ON or OFF?

I believe LNB voltage should be 'ON' on the IRD for DISEqC to work. I have tried 13V, 18V and OFF and got the same result.

I will appreciate any input or suggestions.

Thank you all for your patience


Welcome to the SatelliteGuys forum!

Sounds like the DiSEqC switch is defective. All other information aside, if the DiSEqC 1.0 setting is set with the IRD to any other port than 1 (A) and the receiver continues to receive the satellite connected to port 1 (A), the switch is not changing to any other port.

The other set-up settings should make no difference.

DiSEqC switches typically default to port 1 when they fail. Be sure to power down the IRD when connecting or disconnecting a DiSEqC switch. Failure to power down the receiver will likely damage the switch.

If you only need to switch between two sources, use a 22khz 2x1 switch instead. Much more robust.
If you only need to switch between two sources, use a 22khz 2x1 switch instead. Much more robust.

Esspecially if you get an Encoda 22kHz Switch. ;)

Welcome to the site Sid!!!
Thanks SatelliteAV, ke4est and primestar31.

Seems like this switch is defective. I will get a 22khz switch.

Another question is do DISEqC switches need LNB voltage ON on the IRD to be able to work?

Thanks for your support.
Yes even without a switch you need LNB voltage turned "on"..;)
Yes even without a switch you need LNB voltage turned "on"..;)

This is true in most cases, but not all. Some complex setups require lnb power to be off.

I agree it sounds like a bad switch. We have a site sponsor that has some good deals on the Ecoda 22khz switches. I believe it is SatelliteAV.
This is true in most cases, but not all. Some complex setups require lnb power to be off.

I agree it sounds like a bad switch. We have a site sponsor that has some good deals on the Ecoda 22khz switches. I believe it is SatelliteAV.

If lnb power is set to OFF in the receiver menu's, how can you use your system? NO power to lnb = no signal, and no picture. Doesn't an lnb need power, just like every other electronic device? I have an orthomode feed that's powered from a switch, YET, I still have to have lnb power set to ON in the MicroHD receiver menu.

Please explain. Thanks.
Power can be supplied by a device other than the receiver. Examples would be orthmode lnbs which work best with voltages > 18 volts or supplying 13 and 18 volts constantly to seperate LNBs connected to a multiswitch.
Yes, LNB needs power to work. But in my case, receiver is not directly connected to the LNB. The LNB is powered by the L-band active splitter and the IRD is connected to the splitter. I can lock to the signal with LNB voltage OFF on the IRD.

I was just wondering if the DiSEqC switch needs the voltage on the receiver to be able to work. :)

Thank you all for your inputs.
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