DiSEqC... Does it EVER work???

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I have found the Twinhan 1020a and MyTheatre to be unreliable to switch using a discq switch. Changing the retries seems to improve the switching (close to 100%, but not quite), but still does not switch properly all the time. MyTheatre seems to like starting on the last satellite it was set to with no problem, but when powering up and switching to a different satellite can have problems. I had mine setup for unattended recording and have now eliminated the switch.
I have found that it always switched fine if I started on the same satellite as it was shut off on. I was using it for unattended recordings and was using the scheduled tasks to power on, record, then power off.
I have not tried a Diseq with the recent versions of MyTheatre, as I eliminated the switch a few versions ago.
One problem I did have with the switch was I had to take it out when I scanned a satellite or it would pick up the signals form other diseq ports. After scanning I put the diseq back in and it would work almost 100%, but not quite.
My first DiSEqC switch was not very good. I then got a Chieta switch which seems to work very well, with one caveat - it won't work behind a 22 KHz tone switch if the 22 KHz tone is on. You have to connect it directly to the receiver for best results, then put your 22 KHz tone switches (if any) after it. I would assume that a motor would have to go after it also, but have never personally tried that.

That's part of the problem with DiSEqC's, they sometimes can be a little difficult to work with. The nice thing about the Chieta is that it is supposed to be a low-loss switch, and I did notice a fairly significant increase in signal quality on some channels after replacing my old DiSEqC with the Chieta. Only problem is that nobody in the U.S. seems to carry them as a stock item - I obtained mine from someone who got them from a seller on eBay that pops up with them every now and again - one of his old listings is here (I think this is the same guy) but I have no idea if he'll be getting any more of them to sell. I do wonder why nobody else seems to be carrying these.
Robbert said:
Ok, did a little research on how the DP34 works, and yeah, that won't work (I won't see half of the transponders because my LNB's are not stacked)..
Well now, let's not confuse ability with design... or worse yet: marketing.
The DP34 is claimed to be diseqc compatable. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.
If it really is, then if a receiver applies 13/18 volts to it to select polarity, it'll work.
If the DP34 requires 18 volts all the time to operate, then have a problem.

The DP34 won't work with Echostar receivers and legacy LNBs for design reasons.
Echostar chose to not support the complication of that mix.
Whether they could or would not work for technical reasons, we have no info.

Once you are in the world of MyTheatre, you have full control on the switch commands.
You can set up any rules you wish.
You can mix voltage changes, 22khz tones, and diseqc commands and break all the rules.
Whether your abomination works or not, is determined by the actual capability of your switches... and your imagination.

If the '34 won't work, then it won't work for some solid technical reason.
If it won't work be cause I tried it and couldn't make it work in MT, then the question is still on the table.

I look forward to a solid answer on this question, as it might shed light on the whole bad reputation the cheapie disecq seem to have.
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problem with DP34

I was in the shower when it hit me.
No, not the bar of soap - the solid technical reason '34 is a bad choice.

You wouldn't be able to hook up multiple FTA receivers to it.
The '34 doesn't have enough inputs.
(unless you just wanted H & V from two LNBs )
However, for the typical replacement of a 4x1 diseqc switch to a single receiver, I still see no technical problem.
It Finally Works!!

I just got my NEW Spaun 4x1 DiSEqC in and it finally seems to work.. I guess I really do have 4 bad switches!! The Spaun wasn't cheap ($40), but then again, my 4 other switches also add up to $40... :)
I've tried it a few times now, and I haven't had any switching "errors" yet. With the cheap switches I would normally encounter a switch error once every other time I try to switch.

I also ordered a cheaper new type of Pansat switch which should be in this week. I'll let you guys know if that one works as well..
Does the Pansat work? I have it and I lose three transponders on a certain sat when I go through the switch but it works fine when connected directly to the LNBF. I suspect that my 150' or so run is the cause: Pansat switch is non-powered and LNBFs take too much juice.
I got it in, but haven't had a chance to try it with the busy holiday season upon us. I do have an older Pansat which has trouble. The older one I have is laid out with connectors on both sides of the box. The newer Pansat only has connectors on one side (5 in a row).

After the holidays I'll give it a shot and post my findings here!
Ok.. The holidays are over.. So Happy New Year everyone!

A quick update on the Pansat switch. The one I got has, as I said before, 5 ports on one side, with the center port being the receiver port. It's being sold with a rain (outdoor) cover. I bought it on eBay for around $20. The good news is that it seems to work ok! Although I haven't been able to test it thorougly, I tested it on my Fortec, which is iffy with any other low-cost switch I hooked up to it. After first hooking it up and switching between port 1 and 2 by changing channels it wouldn't switch, but after the second try I couldn't get it to fail anymore (and I tried for at least 10-15 minutes switching continuously). So it's certainly more reliable than the other low-cost switches out there.. So if anyone wants a middle ground to try between the low-cost DiSEqC's and the Spaun, this might be one to try!

lost message?

What happened to a very interesting technical message from Zigg, in this thread?
It was dated: Sun, 01 Jan 2006 15:24:05 -0500
and now seems to be gone.

Has the server suffered a problem?
It was deemed HACK talk by the moderators of the FTA area and was promptly removed.
Hack post...and since this is a decent thread I didnt want to close it. So I nuked the thread in question

And THAT is one very good reason I subscribe to interesting threads...
... though I didn't think of it ahead of time.

I didn't consider it hack talk on first reading.
The useful technical info might have been an inspiration for others with diseqc troubles.
The old saying about the baby and the bathwater comes to mind...
After a few hours of messing with it I found that the switch worked
reliably when 13V was presented to it, but failed most of the time when
18V was used.

I'm just assuming its a bad circuit design, or components just on the
edge of tolerance. When I get time (and some sleep), I'm going to see
if I can easily get the cover off and see whats inside, and maybe fix
it. This was one of those "free" diseqc switches that come with cards
and recivers, proably as cheap as you can get.
Perhaps Zigg will post his findings after further tests.
I have trouble switching port to port. Once on a port though I get all channels on a LNB. I was using some Multistar switch, I just ordered a lot of DMSI switches on ebay, hopefully they work on my Twinhan 102G.
have pansat 3500 s had the same trouble will not switch i have dieplexers in my system for my antenna system .when weather gets better will elimate dieplexers see if it works then.
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What DiSEqC 4x1 switch is best for DVB-S card?

Beginner to FTA

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