DIRT Question Regarding Cancellation

Just thought I would provide an update. PM'd Jason from the DIRT Group. He was very nice, and connected me directly to the loyalty folks at Dish.
Dish will be keeping me as a customer for the foreseeable future. Very happy with what they were willing to provide for a loyal customer.
The two folks I talked to provided great customer service, and I look forward to having Dish be my provider for years to come.
Really excited not to have to learn all new channel numbers as well!!

Well,what incentives did you get to stay?
Hello Dish Internet Response Team,
I will be moving in less than two weeks, and I believe it is time for me to part ways with Dish Network. I have been a customer for quite some time, and a happy one at that.
However, with a new home, I am going to be looking for ways to shave off a little on my TV bill, and from what I can tell, Dish may have the "Dish Mover" plan, but it simply does not compete with low introductory offers on Directv. What do I need to return to Dish when I move out of my current home. I currently have a 622, 722, a switch, power inserter, and dish.
Do I need to have boxes sent for shipping? Once I have cancelled, how long do I have to get the equipment in the mail? Can I cancel on a date in the future (Day I move out)?

P.S. - I would entertain an offer to stay with Dish, but the "Dish Mover" Free three months of premiums and free installation isn't going to cut it.
If I were to stay with Dish, I would need 1 Hopper, and three Joey's free of charge, and pricing that would look similar to a new customer.

I do not know your situation, but I recently looked at Direct for the same reasons and found that with my current setup my "savings" (less than $5 a month) were going to be minimal for the first 6-months and after that they were going to be going up throughout the remainder of the 2-year contract period to the point that my bill would be double what it is currently with Dish. I did not make the move and talked with Dish retention to negotiate a "better" deal.
I swear some you guys need to grow up! So what if he leaves or would like a deal to upgrade. It's a TV service provider not his wife. He doesn't have to be loyal. By the way to the people that love to make the snide comments.... you have a choice not to go into a thread. If you don't like it when people want a deal or leave to bad. Don't go into the tread. Try being an adult for once and let it go and move on. Geez!!
I swear some you guys need to grow up! So what if he leaves or would like a deal to upgrade. It's a TV service provider not his wife. He doesn't have to be loyal. By the way to the people that love to make the snide comments.... you have a choice not to go into a thread. If you don't like it when people want a deal or leave to bad. Don't go into the tread. Try being an adult for once and let it go and move on. Geez!!

A bit rough around the edges, but good enough to put this to bed.;)
Yes, directv had a significant discount on year 1, then it falls of considerably, but a discount would have still been there in years 2-3. Looking deeper, KazooGuy nailed it. Once the fancy discounts wear off, you are actually paying more. The Dish Move In deal gets you free installation. They offered $15 off a month for 12 months. Cinemax for a penny for 12 months, and what I was really hoping for, they are installing a Hopper and Three Joey's as part of my installation. I did sign a new 24 month agreement. I am really happy. I am not kidding when I say I have been with Dish for some time, the Loyalty guy mentioned that right off the bat. Like I said, both people I talked to were very nice, and I will remain a happy customer long after my 24 month agreement goes away. Not to mention, I will tell my story to many of the neighbors in my new neighborhood, which has homes being built on a weekly basis. Plus I will let the gal buying my home know it is ideally setup for Dish Network. I would like to think it is a win/win.
Yes, directv had a significant discount on year 1, then it falls of considerably, but a discount would have still been there in years 2-3. Looking deeper, KazooGuy nailed it. Once the fancy discounts wear off, you are actually paying more. The Dish Move In deal gets you free installation. They offered $15 off a month for 12 months. Cinemax for a penny for 12 months, and what I was really hoping for, they are installing a Hopper and Three Joey's as part of my installation. I did sign a new 24 month agreement. I am really happy. I am not kidding when I say I have been with Dish for some time, the Loyalty guy mentioned that right off the bat. Like I said, both people I talked to were very nice, and I will remain a happy customer long after my 24 month agreement goes away. Not to mention, I will tell my story to many of the neighbors in my new neighborhood, which has homes being built on a weekly basis. Plus I will let the gal buying my home know it is ideally setup for Dish Network. I would like to think it is a win/win.
GREAT. So, next time, you do what....???;)
Exactly what you told me to do KAB. I will PM the DIRT folks, and keep it out of the forum. I really wasn't trying to start a ruckus. Like I said, I appreciate the constructive criticism and the help from everybody.
BPeter you do realize with 3 Joey that one is going to be looking at a mirrored picture. The Hopper only has 3 tuners so independent programming is only available on the Hopper and 2 Joeys the 3rd Joey has to look at recorded programming or one of the 3 tuners. You might want to get your free offer changed to 2 Hoppers and 2 Joey to have the same as you have with 622 & 722.
BPeter you do realize with 3 Joey that one is going to be looking at a mirrored picture. The Hopper only has 3 tuners so independent programming is only available on the Hopper and 2 Joeys the 3rd Joey has to look at recorded programming or one of the 3 tuners. You might want to get your free offer changed to 2 Hoppers and 2 Joey to have the same as you have with 622 & 722.
You assume that all three Joeys will be watched at the same time, 24/7????
NO, it does not impact Dish, they just pass the cost on to their customers that are paying for your freebies and that is why we are being snide.


Do you insist upon paying full price for cell phones as well? "I don't care about your sale, sir, charge me full price for that television set!" Coupons are evil!

Please. Dish and DirecTV don't offer promotions and discounts out of charity.
OP has 4 tuners now and may be disappointed after installation that he can't do what he was used to doing. When is the cheapest time to get "new" equipment?

I had six tuners with a 722 and 722K. My one Hopper with OTA has had no problem keeping up, thanks to PTAT.
I had six tuners with a 722 and 722K. My one Hopper with OTA has had no problem keeping up, thanks to PTAT.

True that, I'm in the same situation, but..... It all depends on your viewing habits. If you watch a lot of network TV, it works. If you don't, it doesn't so much..
Since you are moving is there another person in the family that could sign up for Dish as a new customer? Another thing to consider is just going without Dish for 3 months then sign back up as a former customer. I can't imagine Dish would offer you you the Dishmover for free along with a discount similar to new customers. I think you deserve a discounted rate for a while but not as much as the new customer promos.
IF you are out of contract and a long time customer, They will give you the same deal as a new customer, you may have to ask for supervisor.

My experience has been different. We have called three times. We would like free HD as is being offered to new customers. Each time, they have told us that HD is $10 extra a month.

We have been Dish customers for eight years (since Spring 2005) . We have had three service calls: (1) Spring 2006 added local channels, (2) Spring 2007 added a DVR, and (3) Fall 2009 had dish moved when new roof installed. We have been low maintenance customers and still have the six year old DVR.

The last time my wife called, they acknowledged that we have been long time customers, but didn't offer anything. My wife did tell them that we could get HD from Direct TV.

The really sad part is that Netflix movies played on the Apple TV box are higher image quality than most of the Dish programming we get.
You can get "free" HD with paperless autopay. I don't know anybody paying extra for HD.

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My experience has been different. We have called three times. We would like free HD as is being offered to new customers. Each time, they have told us that HD is $10 extra a month.

We have been Dish customers for eight years (since Spring 2005) . We have had three service calls: (1) Spring 2006 added local channels, (2) Spring 2007 added a DVR, and (3) Fall 2009 had dish moved when new roof installed. We have been low maintenance customers and still have the six year old DVR.

The last time my wife called, they acknowledged that we have been long time customers, but didn't offer anything. My wife did tell them that we could get HD from Direct TV.

The really sad part is that Netflix movies played on the Apple TV box are higher image quality than most of the Dish programming we get.

If you sign up for autopay then HD is free.Or,you can pay a one time $99 fee.That's the only two ways I know to get free HD.
IF you are out of contract and a long time customer, They will give you the same deal as a new customer, you may have to ask for supervisor.

I don't at all agree with that statement. Most will not get that kind of deal long time subscriber or not. If they did there wouldn't be thousands of posts talking about switching every two years. I also suspect if they did Dish and Direct would go out of business.

Another recording glitch with hopper

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