I've had a Vip622 since 2006. This morning I discovered the TV2 signal is VERY distorted and has buzz on audio. Was OK a couple days ago. I changed the TV2 output channel, swapped in a different cable, tried a different TV, also tried the TV2 composit video out -- all bad. I can record OK when I select TV2, so only the output is bad. Sounds like a hardware problem in the DVR to me. Fortunately TV2 is the only problem that I can see -- TV1 and recorder are OK.
I haven't contacted support yet. I was thinking maybe I can get it swapped to a 722k to get a newer unit and an extra OTA receiver. I use OTA quite a bit.
I am hoping someone from DIRT could help and hopefully have me jump through minimum hoops to a resolution. If so, let me know who to contact.
I haven't contacted support yet. I was thinking maybe I can get it swapped to a 722k to get a newer unit and an extra OTA receiver. I use OTA quite a bit.
I am hoping someone from DIRT could help and hopefully have me jump through minimum hoops to a resolution. If so, let me know who to contact.
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