DirecTV's Plans for 2006/2007 (whiners / useless edition)

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I've always been told "never discuss religion or politics at the dinner table" I guess if you ever happen to be eating dinner with Vurbano or Dragon you should add Satellite providers to the list.:hungry:
Frankly, the arguments made in this thread are all stupid. As one who has had both and uses both on a daily basis for over 6 years, I'd have to say both have merits and both earn their share of demerits. The idea that one os perfect and the other is a miserable failure is silly. There is no point in gtiving credit or blasting any one provider for being first or second. Both of these companies have their own approach to introducing the same technology.
If you want it first and are willing to be an experimenter with all the successes and failures to contend with it's E* but if you will just wait for a few months while the engineers and techs work the problems out behind the scenes, D* will ciome through with a product with far fewer issues. I can get more programming choices every hour on E* and most of the time the PQ is better on E* but bugs in the hardware often make watching it an adventure. With D*, fewer choices and the PQ is not as good, especially during the NFL ST times, but if I just want a reliable DVR recording with little hassle, I'll choose D* any day of the week! Many DVR features come standard with D* and I get nickle dimed to death often being forced to pay for something I don't need to get an unrelated feature I want, like OTA program guides which don't work consistently. On D* it comes standard and always works.

So, IMO, there is no Holy Grail with providers. Everyone has to pick what's important to him and choose, or if you want the best of both worlds and are willing to put up with much of the nonsense "dished" out by both, subscribe to both. I do that and find these D* vs. E* threads silly and childish.
shugo77 said:
I've always been told "never discuss religion or politics at the dinner table" I guess if you ever happen to be eating dinner with Vurbano or Dragon you should add Satellite providers to the list.:hungry:


hell you could get me, eric, rad, vurbano, mota ,j ,and a couple of others , and re-shoot the bar scene from star wars!!!!!;)
vurbano said:
Amazing. Even Ken H. at AVS forum, one of the biggest D* supporters Ive seen in the years Ive had HD has admitted he doesnt even watch HD on D* anymore.

Since the thread is in the useless edition :) I found the above statement by Ken H. as a big revelation as well. I believe Ken H. has Comcast, E* and D* and can make the comparison very clearly on what he sees as the problem with HD on D*.
Sean Mota said:
Since the thread is in the useless edition :) I found the above statement by Ken H. as a big revelation as well. I believe Ken H. has Comcast, E* and D* and can make the comparison very clearly on what he sees as the problem with HD on D*.

not unless he has three identical monitors , side by side and all using the same hookups. then switching the IRDS without him seeing, then asking him which is which. AND all three monitors have to be professionally calibrated and adjusted to the best pq from each IRD.

id accept that
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After looking back on the comments of this thread I can see why it was seperated. Got way off topic. Whew. Good decision by the mod.
dragon002 said:
not unless he has three identical monitors , side by side and all using the same hookups. then switching the IRDS without him seeing, then asking him which is which. AND all three monitors have to be professionally calibrated and adjusted to the best pq from each IRD.

id accept that
Dragon, If the almighty himself came down and told you the truth you would still deny it . It has nothing to do with the tuth and everything to do with D* installs putting food on your table. As far as Ken goes Im sure he has done a simple A/B switch test. You dont need 3 monitors. :rolleyes:
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vurbano said:
Dragon, If the almighty himself came down and told you the truth you would still deny it . It has nothing to do with the tuth and everything to do with D* installs putting food on your table. As far as Ken goes Im sure he has done a simple A/B switch test. You dont need 3 monitors. :rolleyes:


this is really getting old.

i have had directv, well the box said directv/ USSB since early 1998.
i did not start to work for excalibur until 02.2000

there are 15.25 million residential subs, plus mdus plus commercial plus schools. you talking down on directv or me is not going to affect my pay one way or the other.

it wont affect sub growth, it wont get you back at them, it wont reduce your bill.

you or the 150 other "less than pleased" on here will not change the course of news corp/ murdock/ directv in any way. you might as well ram your head into a concrete bridge abutment.

if you want to have an adult conversation, so be it , but until that happens, I'm done.;)
Don Landis said:
Frankly, the arguments made in this thread are all stupid. As one who has had both and uses both on a daily basis for over 6 years, I'd have to say both have merits and both earn their share of demerits. The idea that one os perfect and the other is a miserable failure is silly. There is no point in gtiving credit or blasting any one provider for being first or second. Both of these companies have their own approach to introducing the same technology.
If you want it first and are willing to be an experimenter with all the successes and failures to contend with it's E* but if you will just wait for a few months while the engineers and techs work the problems out behind the scenes, D* will ciome through with a product with far fewer issues. I can get more programming choices every hour on E* and most of the time the PQ is better on E* but bugs in the hardware often make watching it an adventure. With D*, fewer choices and the PQ is not as good, especially during the NFL ST times, but if I just want a reliable DVR recording with little hassle, I'll choose D* any day of the week! Many DVR features come standard with D* and I get nickle dimed to death often being forced to pay for something I don't need to get an unrelated feature I want, like OTA program guides which don't work consistently. On D* it comes standard and always works.

So, IMO, there is no Holy Grail with providers. Everyone has to pick what's important to him and choose, or if you want the best of both worlds and are willing to put up with much of the nonsense "dished" out by both, subscribe to both. I do that and find these D* vs. E* threads silly and childish.
Maybe in the old days D* had better quality.. Obviously you havent used the r15
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