DIRECTV Will Raise Prices Next Month

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again you overlook that issue that sat users may not have access to broadband, cable, ect.

"Broadband" isn't really required. The streams run at 5mbs per stream. I ran it on Cricket for a month on their unlimited plan (AT&T network) and it works great. Most people have cell service in their area or can get it with a Wilson antenna or similar. There are options, some might not like them but that is the price you pay for living in the sticks.
True, but you still need a subscription password for it to work. It is not a stand alone.
Sorta ...
If you have a Major Provider for your Internet or TV, I think thats all thats needed.
I think when I signed up, its been awhile, it asked who I had and it was either Directv or my internet provider.
Other than that, don't think it asked for anything else.
Unless they have changed it, it has to be signed in under a tv provider. Which would defeated the purpose of him wanting it.

I've never heard of them giving it to an Internet only sub of any company. Perhaps I am wrong.

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Unless they have changed it, it has to be signed in under a tv provider. Which would defeated the purpose of him wanting it.

I've never heard of them giving it to an Internet only sub of any company. Perhaps I am wrong.

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Your probably right.
Will be interesting how many sub's Directv retains...

They know they are going to lose some and given the market changes brewing it is inevitable. People are going to leave or stay with D* for a variety of reasons and the next decade will be about maximizing the price increases while minimizing subscriber loss so they can milk the cow until it runs dry. Over time, people are going to drop, move to other services (D*now, Vue, etc) but the vast majority will remain and there will be no instant exodus. They can tell how many people are going to come and go for every $X increase and they'll continue to adjust those models as newer products become more popular (new entrants to the market) over the next decade. They are going to milk Old Betsy for all she is worth and when it is all said and done they are ready to pick up the scraps with D*Now as streaming picks up steam and becomes more popular.
Then our bills should be going down, unless your in Yaknees market. And a few others.
it's greed, we have been paying for that RSN all along ...
There was a time when you p aid $5 or $10 bucks for your RSN, it wasn't automatically added to your package ... you at least had a choice.
Now I can imagine that there's a good number of people that don't give a damp about anything to do with sports for example . They still pa that RSN fee evendors though they dont use it.

I have to admit...the RSN fee still infuriates me as I have no option to refuse it or opt out of those channels. I haven't watched a single, solitary, flickering of a moment on ANY one of those channels....yet I continue to suffer through every monthly bill where it is itemized....almost as if they're rubbing it in my face (I know that's not the case, but still!). I pay it like everyone else, but it sux donkey balls to do so. It's like paying for 2 gallons of gas that I NEVER receive leaving my tank at just below the full mark! The only option they give me is to drop to a lower tier of programming which doesn't have many of the channels my family watches. Like that is even an option! It should be an ala carte....not dissimilar to the HD package folks can opt in or out for on a monthly basis. For that matter...HBO...or other pay channels. Sorry for the rant...but hearing they are going UP on a fee for channels that I will NEVER in a MILLION years watch...just makes it that much worse.

Maybe they'll figure out a way we can opt out of those channels at some point without having to seriously degrade our programming package. Now THAT would something worth jumping up and down for!
nvguy38 - Are you familiar with the Preferred Xtra package that drops RSNs, adds a few little things, and does not have the RSN fees?

It isn't on the web but is available by phone.
nvguy38 - Are you familiar with the Preferred Xtra package that drops RSNs, adds a few little things, and does not have the RSN fees?

It isn't on the web but is available by phone.

No...haven't heard of that. Of course, I've been off contract for a while now and paying regular price for everything. Holding out for new equipment and pricing discounts. I've got about a year now under my belt paying regular price for everything.

How much different is the programming compared to the XTRA package I have now?
Preferred Xtra will be $2 less than the Regular Xtra package, and does not have an RSN fee.

You keep major national sports channels like ESPN 1/2 and FS1.
You lose all minor sports channels and regional sports channels.

You gain most channels from the Ultimate package except the Starz/Encore channels.

You can only order by calling into DirecTV. It is a regularly available package, just not promoted on the website.
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Unless they have changed it, it has to be signed in under a tv provider. Which would defeated the purpose of him wanting it.

I've never heard of them giving it to an Internet only sub of any company. Perhaps I am wrong.

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When ESPN launched ESPN360 way back when, it was available to participating ISPs, not MSOs. You logged in with an account that was affiliated with your internet provider, not TV provider. That is only example I can think of.
Geeze for $6 extra a month, you'd think they would enable FM HD on Preferred Xtra. Heck it shows up in "Channels I get" but its never been authorized on this tier.

Guess I'll have to find $6 a month somwhere else. Not going to be easy with township sewer facilities going up 50% to pay for a new sewage plant. Then you have the increasing costs for everything else. I'm pretty sure my car insurance goes up $6 a month each year too, despite getting older and wiser and no accidents/tickets. It's hard to find anything that doesn't go up. Try to find something that actually goes down... nothing.
So how can they offer all these channels at such a lower price via streaming but not via regular satellite, and why are our prices going up on satellite at the same time they started their new service at such a lower price?

I wonder how many people are going to call in and threaten to cancel and move to DN in order to see what kind of discounts they can get?

And is streaming the future of TV delivery, will satellite delivery slowly go away? Because if thats the case then I want no part of it.
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So how can they offer all these channels at such a lower price via streaming but not via regular satellite, and why are our prices going up on satellite at the same time they started their new service at such a lower price?
price goes up every year

I wonder how many people are going to call in and threaten to cancel and move to DN in order to see what kind of discounts they can get?
Happens every year

And is streaming the future of TV delivery, will satellite delivery slowly go away? Because if thats the case then I want no part of it.
sat tv will not go anywhere for a while, too much of the country cannot stream
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The UI on DirecTV Now looks pretty modern. But it's relying on your internet connection and no DVR. I would blow through my 750GB monthly cap in no time.
Unless they have changed it, it has to be signed in under a tv provider. Which would defeated the purpose of him wanting it.

I've never heard of them giving it to an Internet only sub of any company. Perhaps I am wrong.

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Perhaps what some remember is seeing their internet provider allowing for access to ESPN 360. Charter internet does - or did haven't checked in awhile.
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