
Original poster
Oct 5, 2005
Pacific NW
I'm a 10 month user of DTV, like it much, truly better than cable and definitely less dollars monthly. I joined this forum just recently and thoroughly like the advice and knowledge I see in the various threads, I've no doubt learned some things.
Today I logged onto the DISHNET web site, also gave them a call. I always viewed the two companies with the mindset that DTV was simply the best, but from all the offerings, interactive features, more HD channels, and not having to spend top dollar for equip upgrades, I'm starting to lean towards DISHNET, they just seem to be more ahead of DTV.
Would like to know the thoughts about the two companies and would I regret switching to DISHNET. Thanks in advance.
"not having to spend top dollar for equip upgrades"

Well that's not true. At first you can lease anything. But good luck getting an upgrade out of dish without threatening to cancel your account. I like them both, Compare price and channels you want and then make your pick. No matter what I would personally hold out to see what both D* and E* have to offer when MPEG 4 comes around.
Absolutely wait, there's no incentive to join DISH right now. Even after MPEG-4 rolls out, E* has been adding channels to be more on-par with what D* already has, E* boxes are getting buggier and less reliable every other day, and they absolutely charge you out the ass to upgrade.

I don't get why you'd want E*, and i'm an E* customer...
Appreciate the info, I'm such a gadget freak that when I feel I'm not getting my monies worth I'm ready to move. Even the DTV rep said that DISH was further ahead of them in certain areas, but I'll take the advice and wait post MPEG 4 to see how the clouds part, thanks.
The 942 E* HD DVR is highly regarded. Various people have measured and posted the resolution and bit rate of the 2 firms- DirecTV bit starves it's pictures so much the derisive term "HD-Lite" has come into use. Hands down, especially for HD, the E* PQ is better. And E* offers more HD channels, with even more sked as soon as they roll out MPEG-4. The only reason to go with DirecTV is if you MUST have the Sunday Ticket.

All the same, I recommend you wait for E* MPEG-4 receivers to start shipping- which MIGHT be in about 3 months.
Thanks navychop, will do as you and others have suggested. But it was really suprising to learn that DTV has been and is still lagging behind DN in most all categories.
That's not true...

You don't have to wait for MPEG-4 boxes to be out, once they start coming to market you'll see tons of reviews and good/bad things about them, you can make a decision long before a box is available to you.

Dish has more HD right now, that's really all they can say, and look around these forums to see people bitching about how they cancelled because it's the same shows over and over and over again, and that's why they can hear the audio and don't have pixellation...The 942 is hardly bug-free. Just look around and you'll see, don't listen to any one opinion, read for yourself, you'll see it's hardly an isolated group of guys who are having problems...

The general feeling (at least from where I'm sitting) is that unless Directv MAJORLY f**ks up, they will be adding a lot of former-DN subscribers. The HD playing field will level out a bit, PQ should go up ON BOTH SYSTEMS, and D* boxes are vastly more reliable than E* boxes...

Just wait and see and then decide, there will be plenty of people praising and bitching about both MPEG-4 setups

I just wanted to add that although I really like my 942 and E* HD services, I was not happy having to pay $250 simply for the pleasure of Leasing a 942. I had cable for a short period of time after VOOM DBS service and prior to signing up with E*, and they let me rent three (3) low cost HD DVRs. Likewise, Verizon FiOS will be offering video services in my area next year and they too will let me rent as many low-cost HD DVRs that I need. Bottom Line: don't get sucked into buying overpriced hardware! All major video providers (Dish Network, DirecTV, Cable MSOs, Verizon FiOS) will most likely be leasing low-cost HD DVRs and/or Whole Home Networking next year.
Purogamer said:
Dish has more HD right now

You are correct here. :)
And HD DVR 942 is the best receiver I ever had from cable, Voom, Dish. Never was with D*. But IF they will outnumber E* HD lineup I will try them.
D* HD locals plan will not work for me. I have all Milwaukee HD OTA locals already and more (getiing HD OTA locals from Chicago too).
If you dont mind DVR bugs, then E is they right service for you. Just LOOK at the old threads the new software caused:(

In all fairness my 522 is working pretty good, but I KNOW that can change
at any time:( I quit using my 721 when it became so unreliable it was useless...

I keep E for supers, and sky angel.
E has ton of re-man receivers of all kind in the market. Tell me where these come from. As consumer, they never knew this about.
E* is real quick to swap a re-man receiver for another re-man receiver...I don't know why they do it, just STOP UPDATING THE SOFTWARE and the boxes would stay working...idiots...
Not everyone agrees that D* STBs are superior to E* STBs. The main D* STBs are not yet here- they will be from another company Ruppert controls. The STBs people like with D* are TIVO boxes- and that contract expires in 2007. D* has already announced that they will not be renewing the Tivo contract. There may not be a Tivo MPEG-4 HD DVR. I'm sure the new boxes from D* will be fine. Some folks love Tivo, some prefer the E* interfaces. The E* EPG seems faster, and the E* boxes do not report your viewing habits like the Tivo boxes do. There have been other brands of D* boxes which are also fine, but the Tivo's seem to be the most popular.

The E* 962 will be the DISH MPEG-4 HD DVR, and it is based on the 942. E* did send out a bad s/w update, but quickly corrected it. The 942 is a very good box. Not everyone has problems with the E* boxes- if they did, do you think E* would still be in business?

We're talking personal preferences here folks, not God vs Satan.
Some fantastic thoughts streaming on this query. Purogamer, it was my intro to this forum that got me to thinking about DNET, leading to my calling them. At this point I'll hold out for a spell and see how the waters flow. These two companies so remind me of XM and SIRIUS; XM is the supposed leader, but SIRIUS seems to be the more active with regard to improving their product. When I spoke with DTV rep, she even recognized DNET's superiority in some areas. Living in WA state, not sure how it will play out for getting locals, my area is not on the early roll outs for locals later this year and I've been denied access from the affiliates in the area. Like us all here, I guess I just want the most bang for my buck.
The major disadvantage that DirecTV will have for future HD is their "Baby BUD" i.e., their 24" x 36" dish. Many folks will balk at having this large a dish. In fact I have to believe that some will probably prefer a two dish solution such as a D500 and D300 instead of this Baby BUD. In addition, the installation will be more expensive and there are going to be greater limitations on where one can have one of these Baby BUDs installed especially because of the larger wind loads.
rocatman said:
The major disadvantage that DirecTV will have for future HD is their "Baby BUD" i.e., their 24" x 36" dish.

Where has D* announced the size of this new dish, I haven't see it? There was a thread that was showing something but it was later reported that it wasn't the production dish. I agree that the new dish would most likely be bigger then the current phase III dish but the only slot that it would need to be expanded for is 99 since the other new slot is at 103 which would fall within the arc of the current phase III dish.
rad said:
Where has D* announced the size of this new dish, I haven't see it? There was a thread that was showing something but it was later reported that it wasn't the production dish. I agree that the new dish would most likely be bigger then the current phase III dish but the only slot that it would need to be expanded for is 99 since the other new slot is at 103 which would fall within the arc of the current phase III dish.

You are forgetting that DirecTV will be using Ka band with their Spaceway satellites not DBS band. The Ka band slots that DirecTV is planning to use are only a few degrees apart unlike DBS which are 9 degrees apart. This requires a larger dish so that it can be focused onto a tightly spaced slot. This is why Dish's Superdish is much larger than even their D1000 which is comparable to the DirecTV's Phase III dish even though for example a Superdish is needed for 110/119/121 but only a D1000 is needed for 110/119/129. In addition, Ka band is more susceptible to rain fade than the DBS band or regular Ku band so a larger dish is needed to reduce the impact of rain fade.
Anyone who cares about the width of their dish is funny...

Would E* Still be in business if their boxes had a lot of bugs? yes, because that's exactly the situation...

And E* DOES report your viewing habits, there's an article about nielson/Dish somewhere on here...
No, E* does not report individual viewing habits- their units aren't even capable of that function. The nielson article is that E* will now pay nielson for access to data nielson already collects. It has nothing to do with E* collecting or providing any info.


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