Well, that one service. However, the plethora of sports remains on linear TV.
And that is changing, again 3-5 years before all sports are, at least, streaming also.
Except it doesn't work that way at all. Yes, streaming hit and the people that want that, which is to say people that don't like sports and people trying to save four cents, all have adopted it.
It doesn't mean this continues into the future. The people that want out of the sports system, have all opted out.
Show me one piece of evidence that people leaving Traditional Providers is slowing down.
Now that is funny.
Yep. That ST is a niche product and that people who extrapolate millions and millions of subscribers for it, just don't understand business.
And why do you doubt that Amazon/Apple has plans for it beyond just getting subscribers, these are companies that knows how to make money.
Let's talk about how well AT&T did with DirecTV.
Right. Millions and millions of people are staring dumbly at their phone, wishing oh wishing it got channels and packages it doesn't get.
I am waiting till next year and will sign up, as have a few people in this thread that does not have DirecTV.
Nice spending of other people's money. So let do the de facto math:
The cost of ST to a sports bar, or other commercial establishment, is now going to be not only the cost of ST itself, but the cost of establishing and maintaining video quality internet it otherwise does not need.
Raise the price. Great plan there.
Owning a business is like owning a house, sooner or later you have to do improvements.
And yes, sooner or later, they will have to upgrade their equipment, remember DirecTV has said they are no longer designing, building or launching a new Satellite, that means they are on the slow train to the end of their Satellite Service and have started the transition to streaming.
Yes, it is a nice supplement to linear TV, the center of a sports fan's life.
Millions have. It is a business. YOUR personal choices are yours and fine. I was just discussing the huge costs that internet only ST does to those businesses.
But if they can get all those sports packages online, they no longer need DirecTV and can save money that way.
And you and I both do not know what Apple/Amazon will charge businesses, it could be less and that could help cover the upgrades.
Except DirecTV gives the sports bar, a business you are totally unfamiliar with, the material they want for their customers. While streaming gives the Flight Attendant, the Handmaid's Tale, and Fargo.
And streaming has MLB, NHL, NBA, Soccer, certain College Basketball games and March Madness, certain College Football games, certain NFL games, etc.
Some of the above is available to businesses streaming, sooner or later the rest will be and then more.
We are in a transition period, things are changing as Television has for 80 years or so, if it did not, we would still be watching stuff recorded on Kinescope.
I just do not get this aversion to change, things are so much better now then even 10 years ago with the availability of programming.
We now are getting new movies 30 days to 3 months after premiering on streaming service in better quality then some theaters, I love how things are changing.