What Credit Card are you using that have Streaming services available from ?So, 85% of United States' households have broadband and is used for a lot more then TV.
But if you want to play this game, how much do DirecTV subscribers pay with broadband also.
I barely pay anything in cash for TV services because I use my Credit Card points to buy Streaming Services' Gift Cards, so, for me, total real money for me is, roughly, $120 a month for Broadband, HBOMAX ( pay yearly) AMC+ and Peacock ( paid roughly $30 for the year for each during special promotion)
And if you want to get a form of DirecTV in about 5 years, you will still need broadband.
Put if you want to play this stupid game, how much do you pay for Cell Service if you have a house phone at home.
I was looking thru the ones I have and have no such luck.