DirecTV to Launch Significantly Viewed DMA service

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I probably did get all of the NY HD locals, I just didnt notice :) I just wanted Fox NY-HD so I could watch the Yankees in HD. As it turns out, I was able to aim my antenna and pick up the OTA feed of the same channel, so I didnt absolutely need the D* feed.

It was fun comparing the two though. While the OTA picture was the best, Im surprised by how close the D* feed came. Dont know if things are different now, but Ive sinced aimed my antenna even better, so I have a strong signal on CBS, FOX, and ABC, so I only need D* for my NBC-HD feed, which I can actually have now because that waiver is possible in New Haven County.

crowe1130 said:
Has anyone had luck with the D* database yet? I'm still not getting any results at all on that page.

The information that was leaked out suggests that the consumer page won't be updated until SV is actually rolled out.

Some new information was supposed to have been released to the retailer's site last week. However, rereading the leaked memo, I now suspect the only updated information to retailers is about what counties/ZIPs are changing DMA's....not who's getting which SV stations.
umm, Wonder if that will inculde my area, clay county, IL. Maybe I'll get locals pretty soon... NAH Any idea when it will be relased to the public?
DNS eligibility

moonman said:
You would do better to use the DNS tool to see if any stations are listed there, that you not yet receive..(Nov. 9th is the target date I think)

I tried using this tool. It looks like the HD lookup is looking at SD data. Mine returned that the local Fox affiliate was providing a Grade A signal, when in fact, they are not even broadcasting OTA yet. I called D* to tell them that this info is wrong and to plead that, since I have no local Fox OTS feed, I should be eligible for the NY DNS Fox feed. Rep said that all he could do was submit waiver request on my behalf.

Then got transferred to someone in website group to let them know of the issue for them to update their database. Person said many systems issues right now and to try again later, it might get cleared up. Very frustrating.
In fact when I put in my address it shows that I also get a grade A signal in HD from the Denver stations when in fact all the stations are running on temporary licenses since the tower hasn't been approved at all. A transmitter 47 miles away on top of a building with 2 Kw output is "impossible" to receive.

How do they base they HD infromation?
There are two types of waivers: one for SD; one for HD.

The SD waivers work exactly the same as they once did, except if your local channels are available via satellite, waivers cannot be requiested.

The HD waivers work exactly the same as the SD waivers do, including using the SD feed for qualification. The digital waiver process has not been changed to incorporate signal strengths from digital affiliates.

Anyone want to test this? Give a zipcode in an area without an HD network broadcaster, and see if that network is also listed.
This was one of the only downers from switchin from Cablevison. No longer will it be an issue.

I also live in Fairfield County and currently get the NYC Locals. Which is fine, but the additon of the CT locals will be cool too :)!

Right? I will be getting the Ch 3, 6, 8, 25/61 right?
Hockeyfan16 said:
This was one of the only downers from switchin from Cablevison. No longer will it be an issue.

I also live in Fairfield County and currently get the NYC Locals. Which is fine, but the additon of the CT locals will be cool too :)!

Right? I will be getting the Ch 3, 6, 8, 25/61 right?

Nope. If D* rolls out SV in Fairfield county, only WTNH (ABC 8) and WTXX (WB 20) are SV-eligible.

If D* adopts the full SV list, the best places to get both NYC and CT stations will be in New Haven County outside New Haven itself (CT locals + 6 NYC networks) and some towns at the end of Long Island (NYC locals + ABC/NBC/CBS/WB from CT).
I just got word from one of my DirecTV contacts that the SV upgrade has been suspended indefinately in certain areas (based on Zip code)

The reason for this is the fact that in some markets to get SV channels a customer would need to upgrade their Dish. DirecTV does not want to upgrade them to a triple sat dish then a few months later have to go oout there and upgrade them to the new 5 Satellite square dish.

My contact is working on getting me a list of which areas this affects, when I get it, I will post it.
Maphisto's Sidekick said:
Nope. If D* rolls out SV in Fairfield county, only WTNH (ABC 8) and WTXX (WB 20) are SV-eligible.

If D* adopts the full SV list, the best places to get both NYC and CT stations will be in New Haven County outside New Haven itself (CT locals + 6 NYC networks) and some towns at the end of Long Island (NYC locals + ABC/NBC/CBS/WB from CT).

Oh well, Ch 8 is the main one I wanted, so I'm good. CBS 3 would also be apprecited (more football) but I'm lucky to live in Fairfield county as a Jets fan since I get NYC CBS and FOX.
Scott Greczkowski said:
I just got word from one of my DirecTV contacts that the SV upgrade has been suspended indefinately in certain areas (based on Zip code)

The reason for this is the fact that in some markets to get SV channels a customer would need to upgrade their Dish. DirecTV does not want to upgrade them to a triple sat dish then a few months later have to go oout there and upgrade them to the new 5 Satellite square dish.

My contact is working on getting me a list of which areas this affects, when I get it, I will post it.

Wow - this makes very little sense. Why not just ask all upgrades to be done at expense of customer, and allow it anyway? The 3LNB dishes have been around long enough that I don't see this as a huge problem. Locals on 72, though, I can understand. Either way - custy pays a fee for dish swapout, if needed, and everyone is happy.
moonman said:
It's not populated yet...keep checking back often here........
(note from Scott - this is where consumers will be able to check channels available, I dont expect it to be active until late October)

Well, it's late October and it's still not working. Any idea when it will be, Scott?

charper1 said:
At least 3 or 4 weeks after the next satellite launch on 11/9/05 I would guess.

From what LonghornXP said, the channels will be available by Nov 9th.
Three or four weeks after that seems just a bit after the fact, no?

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