DirecTV to Launch Significantly Viewed DMA service

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charper1 said:
Seeing how ridiculously huge sports markets are, one would assume that the SV channels would fall into the same team markets and thus the same BO rules. This is merely a guess.

Pleaee do not get me started on BO rules...I live in the Charlotte DMA.. Acording to the geniuses at MLB HQ in NYC I live in the markets for the Reds,Braves,Nationals and Orioles.....3 NL teams and one AL team claim Charlotte as THEIR market..Therefore games involving those teams are BO'ed on the MLB EI package...Ridiculous seeing that none of those teams,save Atlanta, broadcasts locally into Charlotte..And if MLB is concerned that me avoiding the drive to DC becuse the game is on tv, they needn't worry. I wasn't going to make the trip anyway.
This is why I can't stand unelected govt oficials being able to make policy decisions...The FCC had this stuff on their table last year..They could have made the black out and local channel rules much more fair. Instead the FCC did NOTHING!...We are still stuck with 1950's tv rules.....
crowe1130 said:
Yippee! Looks like I'll finally get the NY stations I lost when I switched from cable many moons ago (based on the PDF someone posted). No luck on the D* site yet, though. Looks like it's still unpopulated.
Is this still scheduled to go into effect on 11/9?
Another question: will this affect sports subscriptions? Right now I'm technically considered Philly market, even though I'm directly between NY and Philly. This means Yankee games are blacked out on Yes. Will that continue, or will I now be privy to some sort of quasi-NY status?
To my knowledge, sports blackouts are NOT affected..Unfortunately Yankees games on YES will still be blacked out...Depends on your zip code....I know someone in Howell TWP that gets both PHI and NYC on his cable....he also gets YES,MSG and FOX NY .....Therefore the NY pro teams would porbably not be blacked out if he had satellite..My assumption is he lives in the NYC DMA....
IMO this just stupid.....i beleive we should be able to watch whatever we want as long as we are willing to pay for it.
SV locals have been added to the area where I live (Raleigh-Durham, NC DMA) WDBJ 7 out of Roanoke, VA and WSET 13 out of Lynchburg, VA. Both channels were added to my locals yesterday.
I wonder when D* going to add sv to all area i just check the d* sv website some area dma has the sv add winston salm & Raleigh-Durham dma markets have the sv channels.
I just saw it looks like D* will add SV channels Monday, according to WCAX 3 web site in Southern Vermont Directv will add SV channels to ALBANY and BOSTON areas.
To see story go to
then select news tab and type Directv.
Hmmm - still no results on the SV lookup page, even for Boston DMA. This would be a VERY welcome shock!!! :)
I even typed up the station WCAX and it gave no results but if you select Raleigh-Durham, NC on the DMA list you can see result of channels that were added to this DMA on Friday
dishcomm said:
Pleaee do not get me started on BO rules...I live in the Charlotte DMA.. Acording to the geniuses at MLB HQ in NYC I live in the markets for the Reds,Braves,Nationals and Orioles.....3 NL teams and one AL team claim Charlotte as THEIR market..Therefore games involving those teams are BO'ed on the MLB EI package...Ridiculous seeing that none of those teams,save Atlanta, broadcasts locally into Charlotte..And if MLB is concerned that me avoiding the drive to DC becuse the game is on tv, they needn't worry. I wasn't going to make the trip anyway.
This is why I can't stand unelected govt oficials being able to make policy decisions...The FCC had this stuff on their table last year..They could have made the black out and local channel rules much more fair. Instead the FCC did NOTHING!...We are still stuck with 1950's tv rules.....

Hey I can top that, I live in Southern TN and am in the Huntsville, AL DMA and Cincinnatti Ohio is blacked out for me. I've got to drive across two states and into a third to get to Cincinnatti. Only Congress could have designed something this insane.
bjflynn05 said:
I just saw it looks like D* will add SV channels Monday, according to WCAX 3 web site in Southern Vermont Directv will add SV channels to ALBANY and BOSTON areas.
To see story go to
then select news tab and type Directv.

Anyone in Southern VT? Would be nice to see some more markets confirmed...
ok apparently my reply last night didn't go through as i don't see it so here it is from directv apparently we won't see significantly viewed until late this year:

" Thanks for writing. Recent changes in the law allow DIRECTV to offer local channels from nearby cities if the FCC determines they have a significant level of viewership outside of their home market.

We are working hard to get our systems ready to deliver neighboring local channels and to determine what markets will be receiving new channels, but it may take some time. Although there's no set timetable right now, it's possible that we'll be ready in some cities later this year. More information will be available on as it is announced. We appreciate your patience."

So there it is directly from DireTV. Let's hope this post goes through this time.
That's an old canned response, especially given that a few markets are already receiving SV channels (raleigh/Durham, for example)
Right! If the channels are already carried on D*, it is only a software programming change to add them to neighboring DMAs. I think the problem is that in negotiating, the local stations are playing hardball unless D* promises NOT to add the SV from another city into their DMA.
So where does this stand right now? Saw a post on another board to the effect that D* and E* are having problems w/being granted permission to carry SV channels due to DMA's stations' ability to withhold permission for a SV channel to be rebroadcast. In other words, locals won't permit SV's to be broadcasted, and locals are trying to use this in negotiations w/D* and E*for rebroadcast agreements.

All I know is that I want my SV locals. Cable in Greene Co. TN is allowed to broadcast SV feeds from both Knoxville, TN and Asheville NC; satellite should be given this same option as well. SV legistation trumpeted satellite providers having this right, but now it's being taken away once again! Disgusting!
hancox said:
Anyone in Southern VT? Would be nice to see some more markets confirmed...

The CBS affiliate in Burlington (WCAX Channel 3) was added to Bennington county (Albany DMA) and Windham county (Boston DMA) last week. Previously, DirecTV customers in these counties couldn't receive the main Vermont station.
This is KILLING me! I am happy about TNT-HD, and somewhat happy about the switch to MPEG-4 (we'll see how the HD DVR stacks up), but I am furious about the lack of movement on SV channels! I wonder if it would help if I called retention and complained -- comcast in my area (AA Co., MD) carries BOTH DC and Balto. locals, so I can make the "Comcast does it" argument that always gets Retention's panties in a bunch . . .
Sounds like time to write Congress again and tell them we need them to rewrite the wording of this law so that the broadcasters can't play hardball with the satellite companies regarding Significantly Viewed locals and the ability of satellite companies to broadcast them to their customers.
Good luck. The FCC is in the pocket of NAB. The locals would say that if everyone was able to watch stations out of market then they would suffer loss of advertising $ and thus local news and programming would suffer.
DanWard said:
This is KILLING me! I am happy about TNT-HD, and somewhat happy about the switch to MPEG-4 (we'll see how the HD DVR stacks up), but I am furious about the lack of movement on SV channels! I wonder if it would help if I called retention and complained -- comcast in my area (AA Co., MD) carries BOTH DC and Balto. locals, so I can make the "Comcast does it" argument that always gets Retention's panties in a bunch . . .

When I talked to retention about a month ago about my $100 rebate, I asked about SV. She had no idea what I was talking about.
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