DirecTV Slashes 35 Jobs

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Apr 18, 2005
DeKalb County, AL
DirecTV Inc. has laid off 35 employees, most of them in its creative-services department, at its West Coast headquarters in El Segundo, Calif., officials confirmed Tuesday.

Most of the staffers, about 30 of the 35, let go last Friday and this week were in creative services, which handles duties such as on-air promotion, point-of-sale retail merchandising and direct-mail pieces, DirecTV spokesman Bob Marsocci said.

Another five staffers let go worked in marketing, he added.

The direct-broadcast satellite provider is going to be outsourcing many of the creative-services functions, he said, adding, “We periodically do a review of the organization and look at ways to be most cost-efficient.”

Despite the layoffs in marketing and creative services, DirecTV is actually hiring for other departments, Marsocci said.
35 jobs, in one department, is hardly news-worthy. If the best on-air promotion they can come up with with celebrities reading letters from viewers, I'd say fire them too...
Purogamer said:
35 jobs, in one department, is hardly news-worthy. If the best on-air promotion they can come up with with celebrities reading letters from viewers, I'd say fire them too...
Exactly! Especially when they are using false advertising about 1500 HD channels to up their sub numbers! I mean, be truthful, don't speak half truths to people who all ready are confused about the whole HD process! Today, Im still trying to explain to my father that they mean 1500 LIL HD channels countrywide! NOT 1500 National Channels. D* marketing guys SUCK! Good writtens :hatsoff: , I hope they all get jobs as waiters at IHOP, that way I can leave them a lowsy tip! :hungry:
The fact the jobs are going to be outsourced is what bothers me. I can almost guarantee these jobs will go over seas to a third-world nation, such as the Phillipines. We know that Directv has already done this with a big chunk of their Customer Service Department. This practice sickens me. This happening in mass numbers also in the computer industry, travel, television and even the credit reporting industry. I do not know about you guys, but knowing my social security number and sensative medical information is easily accessible by any of these employees in lets say Bombay, really scares me. I say it's about time for our joke of a President to start some legislation to end this practice and make it not financially feasible for these corporations to send these American jobs overseas, perhaps a tariff of some sort. Thoughts?

What's with the outsourcing tirade? They're most likely outsourcing to a marketing firm not to Bombay.

Besides, what about all the insourcing jobs that we get? Honda, Toyota, and Sony for example. Besides, what's so bad with jobs going over to the PI? Massive oceangoing vessels and aircraft mean we're not an isolated country (and continent) anymore.

Let's just stick to Satellite stuff please.

beatboy77 said:
We know that Directv has already done this with a big chunk of their Customer Service Department...<snip> Thoughts?


Gee, Josh, then why do I keep seeing ads in the Tulsa, OK, World from D* looking for customer service reps for their Tulsa call center? Are they relocating their new hires to Manila? BTW, E* also has a big call center in Tulsa. I wonder if any other city can make that claim>
"Exactly! Especially when they are using false advertising about 1500 HD channels to up their sub numbers! I mean, be truthful, don't speak half truths to people who all ready are confused about the whole HD process! Today, Im still trying to explain to my father that they mean 1500 LIL HD channels countrywide! NOT 1500 National Channels. D* marketing guys SUCK! Good writtens , I hope they all get jobs as waiters at IHOP, that way I can leave them a lowsy tip!"

dtv reps are not supposed to say anything about the 1500 channels only being locals in 10 markets intentionally deceptive
Or they were the one's who designed the penalty flag that a lot of us recieved, since d* threw us all a penalty charge for ST in HD
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