DirecTV Releases R16 DVR Receiver for Distribution

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Proud Staff Member
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Staff member
Apr 3, 2005
Central Michigan
Today DirecTV released their long-awaited R-16 SD-DVR receiver to the distribution channel. These will be installed in customers homes begining any day now.

The R16 is very similiar in operation and design to the R15 with the following differences:

* Black instead of Silver
* SWM Compatabile (Single-Wire operation using new SWM multiswitch)
* NO Ethernet port - meaning it is NOT expected to receive OnDemand

The SWM compatibility is the big-deal with this receiver. The last hangup in DirecTV using SWM multiswitches in mainstream was support for an SD-DVR.

Now DirecTV has SWM compatible hardware thorughout their product line:
* D12 - basic SD receiver
* R16 - SD-DVR
* H20 & H21 - HD receiver
* HR20 & HR21 - HD-DVR

Prior to SWM all DVRs required two wires run to each receiver - which can be problematic in pre-wired homes. The SWM reduces install costs (except the SWM itself) and makes upgrading easier.



Pictures posted with permission, courtesy

A group of test users on another site have had the R16 for a few months and have reported VERY reliable operation.
They have also posted pictures of the inside of the unit with there full report. To see their report: CLICK HERE
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I don't understand why they are still giving customers SD receivers (and making new model SD receivers)

Thats just me though I guess. :)
It's still all about the almighty $$$.

There's still lots of people that don't have HDTVs, or want to pay extra for HD. These DVRs are avaialbe for $99 as upgrades, or outright FREE for new customers, and many times existing ones in good standing.
No ethernet? Just odd...

Makes the (relative) lack of HD DoD a little more strange.
I don't understand why their SD-DVR doesn't have an ethernet port with the Tivo ones did.
I don't understand why they are still giving customers SD receivers (and making new model SD receivers)

Same reason why they REMOVED the OTA tuner on the HR21's, so that now it actually costs MORE to add it on for people that either do need it (due to lack of LIL HD) or want the other subchannels D* will NEVER put up.

Sorry, but I think this is probably one of more dumber moves D*'s done, IMHO. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: (yea, I know someone will chime in on how much D* is saving on those 2 measly OTA tuners, but I still think it's stupid...)
Someone on the other site came up with a reason, DoD uses MPEG4 for programming (although I don't think anyone has proven this one way or the other) and the R16 doesn't have MPEG4 decoder hardware so why bother.
Same reason why they REMOVED the OTA tuner on the HR21's, so that now it actually costs MORE to add it on for people that either do need it (due to lack of LIL HD) or want the other subchannels D* will NEVER put up.

HR20 with ATSC tuners = $299
HR21 with AM21 = $258

So how is this costing more to the customer?
I don't understand why they are still giving customers SD receivers (and making new model SD receivers)

Thats just me though I guess. :)

I can't understand why Directv or Dish just doesn't issue their HD DVR to everyone who wants a DVR. Get rid of SD DVR's. After all, my shoddy cable company (Charter) issues their MOXI HD DVR's or the Motorola HD DVR's standard to all customers who request DVR service. Those who don't have or want HD, won't get the HD channels. Simple. If they want them, they pay for them. That way all features are available to everyone. I don't understand why D* has to charge an HD access fee if they don't want the HD channels but do want DoD. Considering most of the DoD is in SD, this only seems to make sense. But maybe it's just me.:rolleyes:
As long as everyone drools all over the channel numbers they will NEVER make the DVR's class-leading. They will be just good-enough. Directv always had class leading equipment until they starting building receivers with their own name on them. Since then, in the crapper. One seemingly ignorant decision after another, but the state of TV is SO bad in general that D* is the best of the lot.
When you build ANYTHING to a price point quality and performance suffers. Since they have a programming advantage right now everyone overlooks the equipment. All the content in the world isn't any good if you can't record and playback reliably. DOD is going to be a bust because all of us that get cable internet will be shut down when the bandwidth caps start anyway.

R16 is the logical evolution of the broken R15, and I'd bet they didn't fix a damn thing that was wrong with it. I'll bet the same issues that happen with the R15 will be happening with the R16. :) Missed recordings, crashes, mine was a train wreck. But ooooohhhh, its black!

I'm done making excuses for them. I turned a lot of people on to D* over the years. No more. The equipment is going to have to get a LOT better before they EVER get my money again. And I tell everyone I see that if you are interested in sheer number of channels, choose D*. If you are interested in the best equipment to actually watch TV, look elsewhere. :D
Wow, I didn't think anyone would drool for an SD dvr. There isn't much to improve, it is a pretty simple device. The only real improvement is that it is ready for SWM.

What was broken about the R15?
HR20 with ATSC tuners = $299
HR21 with AM21 = $258

So how is this costing more to the customer?

Because D* is supposedly going to keep making the HR20-100's. - & I'll GUARANTEE you they are NOT going to charge more for them than the HR21's. With this in mind, D* could have just as easily continued to make HR20's "as is" for $199, instead of this stupid "add on box" to the HR21. The cost to D* did NOT just go down $100, so all it is doing IS making some customers pay more to get the same funtionality as before.

So really, your math SHOULD be to the end user:

HR20 =$199
HR21/AM21 = $258

Doesn't really matter for myself, as I made sure I got a couple spare HR20's to have on hand & not have to do the other BS.
Because D* is supposedly going to keep making the HR20-100's. - & I'll GUARANTEE you they are NOT going to charge more for them than the HR21's. With this in mind, D* could have just as easily continued to make HR20's "as is" for $199, instead of this stupid "add on box" to the HR21. The cost to D* did NOT just go down $100, so all it is doing IS making some customers pay more to get the same funtionality as before.

So really, your math SHOULD be to the end user:

HR20 =$199
HR21/AM21 = $258

Doesn't really matter for myself, as I made sure I got a couple spare HR20's to have on hand & not have to do the other BS.

Your math is good if there was a way you could guarantee that you can get a HR20, which you can't unless you can find one at a store. IMHO the HR20-100 won't be made too much longer either. Since D*'s making the HR21-700 and now the HR20-200 I've got a feeling that once the AM21 hits the street no more HR20-100's will be manufactured.
Wow, I didn't think anyone would drool for an SD dvr. There isn't much to improve, it is a pretty simple device. The only real improvement is that it is ready for SWM.

What was broken about the R15?

Nothing was broken. Now every model will be black and SWM-compatible. Possibly they may do all installations with SWM at some point.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a MPEG4-capable SD model eventually. Transitioning SD to MPEG4 would allow less signal degradation within the current bandwidth limitations. However, if they can get the price of HD receivers down low enough, they could drop the SD models completely.
Nothing was broken. Now every model will be black and SWM-compatible. Possibly they may do all installations with SWM at some point.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a MPEG4-capable SD model eventually. Transitioning SD to MPEG4 would allow less signal degradation within the current bandwidth limitations. However, if they can get the price of HD receivers down low enough, they could drop the SD models completely.

If you think nothing was/is broken with the R15 do yourself a little googleing with the key words R15 problems....;)

Mine was just above being just a receiver. the FF/REW was totally retarded, is skipped and jumped, no telling where it would end up, it missed about 1/3 of its schedued recordings, it rebooted regularly....after reading on dBSforums that my problems weren't the exception and were the norm, I never even bothered to try and get another one. Because if I would have my contract would have been renewed. Uh uh. I am done with contracts for TV. :cool:
Since D*'s making the HR21-700 and now the HR20-200 I've got a feeling that once the AM21 hits the street no more HR20-100's will be manufactured.

Actually I tend to agree with you - why do you think I stocked up on a couple x-tra HR20's for a rainy day? ;) :)
But, other folks "in the know" on these boards have said repeatedly the HR20-100's WOULD continued to be made, so whatever...
I guess this means the MPEG2 stream will be around for awhile if this box doesn't do MPEG4. Why not just use the HD boxes and have the receivers just pump out 480i to those who don't have HD tvs. At some point SD should end, or at lease in the MPEG2 fashion look at the bandwith they could save.
If you think nothing was/is broken with the R15 do yourself a little googleing with the key words R15 problems....;)

Mine was just above being just a receiver. the FF/REW was totally retarded, is skipped and jumped, no telling where it would end up, it missed about 1/3 of its schedued recordings, it rebooted regularly....after reading on dBSforums that my problems weren't the exception and were the norm, I never even bothered to try and get another one. Because if I would have my contract would have been renewed. Uh uh. I am done with contracts for TV. :cool:

I had a R15 for a year and a half (replaced by HR21). It missed only one recording in that time and that was about the only problem I can remember. Even my HDVR2 was (slightly) more troublesome.
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Any way to get cheaper deal?

H20 and Changing Channels

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