DirecTV Price Increase Effective 2/27/08

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KA-BOOM (see below)

.....but like I said before, I feel I get a better overall deal & value from DirecTV and it's options and channels offered and you can justify your switch however you want as it is all fine with me. It just your running away to Dish logic is not very accurate; as in, you are not really getting away from an increase and not getting any better value. You are simply cutting your package down and saving a few bucks. Which again, is fine, its your money, you could have done the same with DirecTV mostly, but don't try to make it sound like your jump is allowing you to keep exactly what you had, what you WANTED, AND avoiding DirecTV's increase.

My purpose was never to imply that the move to Dish meant no loss of channels. When leaving Direct last January, I could have kept the few channels that I occasionally watched that were lost in the move (TCM in particular), by going with a higher priced package from Dish...but enough is enough. The money that I make means more to me than blowing a huge wad of it every month on television--and until providers come to their senses and offer a la carte options, (I'm weary, for example, of knowing that several dollars of the bill pays for ESPN each month, a service that I have no interest in at all) my opinion won't change.

For me, at this point, Dish is the more attractive/affordable of the two alternatives in the lower tiers. DirecTV can continue to try and win me back, via email and snail mail...and they've been trying on both fronts for several months now...but until the impossible happens and they offer me a hefty and permanent discount on a package such as Choice each month, the move back is simply not going to happen. The monthly fee is simply getting too ridiculously this point, a similar package from Cox Cable in this area would actually be a few dollars cheaper each month...and I seriously never thought that would happen.
My purpose was never to imply that the move to Dish meant no loss of channels. When leaving Direct last January, I could have kept the few channels that I occasionally watched that were lost in the move (TCM in particular), by going with a higher priced package from Dish...but enough is enough. The money that I make means more to me than blowing a huge wad of it every month on television--and until providers come to their senses and offer a la carte options, (I'm weary, for example, of knowing that several dollars of the bill pays for ESPN each month, a service that I have no interest in at all) my opinion won't change.

For me, at this point, Dish is the more attractive/affordable of the two alternatives in the lower tiers. DirecTV can continue to try and win me back, via email and snail mail...and they've been trying on both fronts for several months now...but until the impossible happens and they offer me a hefty and permanent discount on a package such as Choice each month, the move back is simply not going to happen. The monthly fee is simply getting too ridiculously this point, a similar package from Cox Cable in this area would actually be a few dollars cheaper each month...and I seriously never thought that would happen.

Sorry but Ala Carte will not lower prices ...
When you can package channels you will always get better prices.
Many channels that you like have other channels that they own that you may not care about that are required by the provider to place in order for the main channel you want to be viewed as well.
Back in the day when I had my C-Band I was allowed to order ala carte, for example ESPN was $ 12 per YEAR .... I bet it's alot more than that now. Your East coast Locals were the most expensive .... (you would get the same network programming with that cities news.)

Non the less, If they were to go Ala Carte, the individual channels would boost the price well past a package price, unless your only looking for a few channels.

Sorry but Ala Carte will not lower prices ...
When you can package channels you will always get better prices.
Many channels that you like have other channels that they own that you may not care about that are required by the provider to place in order for the main channel you want to be viewed as well.
Back in the day when I had my C-Band I was allowed to order ala carte, for example ESPN was $ 12 per YEAR .... I bet it's alot more than that now. Your East coast Locals were the most expensive .... (you would get the same network programming with that cities news.)
Non the less, If they were to go Ala Carte, the individual channels would boost the price well past a package price, unless your only looking for a few channels.Jimbo

Jimbo, my experience with C-band was 100% the same as yours. If I wanted any kind of variety of channels, the packages were always cheaper. For a while I had something like 10 channels and patted myself on the back for the money I saved, but I later decided that actually being able to find something to watch was more fun than saving $10/month.
My view

Of course any company will try from capitalistic point of view to get the most money out of their product or services.

There is really NO point in even comparing directv to Dish network for simple fact they both carry about the same channels.

Each company breaks up the channels in different packages at varing price levels Just like cable companies do. They are just another "cable tv" provider over wireless satellite. One will brag they have 1,000,000,000,000
HD channels and another will say " hey were cheaper". Different strokes for different folks.

Most people now days with whatever tv service you have throw 50-100 dollars per month on subscriptions.

In my personal opinion even $100.00 is not much money now days and you can't buy very much with it.

I however will not throw much money on tv subscription since I think it is unhealthy to sit for hours in front of a tv set.

It is unhealthy for your body and mind. Don't let your kids sit in front of a tv for hours either.

As long as these companies including cable companies have so many subscribers willing to pay the higher prices - They will charge it and continue to gradually increase the fare.

We the consumer control the price not them. Most americans would probably go without food before they would turn off their tv services.

Just my opinion.:hatsoff:
Local cable here is still much more for the same programming.


Not for everyone. ATT Uverse's equalivent to the Premier with all premiums.HD pack, sports pack and internet (3mb down and 1mb up) for $129/mo. No this is not a promo price.
Do you have the protection plan? I guess maybe I need to try emailing another CSR and see if I get a different response to the question. If having the protection plan makes it so you didn't have to re-up your commitment on a equipment swap that might make it worthwhile to me to get.

Yes i have had the protection plan. it has paid off for me as i live in the northeast united states so wind is an issue as my dish gets thrown out of alignment at least once a winter.
Not for everyone. ATT Uverse's equalivent to the Premier with all premiums.HD pack, sports pack and internet (3mb down and 1mb up) for $129/mo. No this is not a promo price.

Too bad you can get only 1 HD stream into the house at a time, until that's fixed to unlimited I don't care how much cheaper it is.
Too bad you can get only 1 HD stream into the house at a time, until that's fixed to unlimited I don't care how much cheaper it is.

That's what they advertise, but Scott said when he had it that he got two hd streams.
That's what they advertise, but Scott said when he had it that he got two hd streams.
Sorry but I don't recall Scott saying that, just the standard you can record one while watching something recorded earlier. Even two doesn't cut for me, I have three HD sets and three HD DVR's, so I could have 9 different HD programs going at the same time.
Jimbo, my experience with C-band was 100% the same as yours. If I wanted any kind of variety of channels, the packages were always cheaper. For a while I had something like 10 channels and patted myself on the back for the money I saved, but I later decided that actually being able to find something to watch was more fun than saving $10/month.

What I ended up doing was talking to my service provider (TurnerVision at the time) and telling them that they did not have a Sport package available suitable for the normal Sports fan.
I told them the channels that I wanted and added a few of the others, Discovery and such , added the Denver 5 and told them that, That is what I wanted, was also able to get the East Coast locals as well.
Denver 5 cost about $ 60 back then, but it was worth it as I could time shift that way ...
My pakage ended up being about $ 4-500, the next year I told them that I wanted exactly what I had the last year and asked if they could make a package out of it, and they DID, saved me about $ 100 a year and they started selling that package, at least the Sports part of it.

Most people now days with whatever tv service you have throw 50-100 dollars per month on subscriptions.

In my personal opinion even $100.00 is not much money now days and you can't buy very much with it.

I however will not throw much money on tv subscription since I think it is unhealthy to sit for hours in front of a tv set.

It is unhealthy for your body and mind. Don't let your kids sit in front of a tv for hours either.

It's not OK to sit in front of the TV for hours a day.....
But you will undoubtably sit in front of the computer monitor for hours, and I think thats actually worse for you than the TV.
I watch my monitor more than my TV this day and age.

Not for everyone. ATT Uverse's equalivent to the Premier with all premiums.HD pack, sports pack and internet (3mb down and 1mb up) for $129/mo. No this is not a promo price.

btw, what do you think of the U-Verse, how do you like it ?
Some have had it and don't like it much others do....
Whats your take ?

Problem is, U-Verse is not available in a large part of the country yet.

Sorry but I don't recall Scott saying that, just the standard you can record one while watching something recorded earlier. Even two doesn't cut for me, I have three HD sets and three HD DVR's, so I could have 9 different HD programs going at the same time.

IIRC, it was in his review. I agree with you, two isn't enough.
Of course any company will try from capitalistic point of view to get the most money out of their product or services.

There is really NO point in even comparing directv to Dish network for simple fact they both carry about the same channels.

Each company breaks up the channels in different packages at varing price levels Just like cable companies do. They are just another "cable tv" provider over wireless satellite. One will brag they have 1,000,000,000,000
HD channels and another will say " hey were cheaper". Different strokes for different folks.

Most people now days with whatever tv service you have throw 50-100 dollars per month on subscriptions.

In my personal opinion even $100.00 is not much money now days and you can't buy very much with it.

I however will not throw much money on tv subscription since I think it is unhealthy to sit for hours in front of a tv set.

It is unhealthy for your body and mind. Don't let your kids sit in front of a tv for hours either.

As long as these companies including cable companies have so many subscribers willing to pay the higher prices - They will charge it and continue to gradually increase the fare.

We the consumer control the price not them. Most americans would probably go without food before they would turn off their tv services.

Just my opinion.:hatsoff:

Sorry have to disagree about comparing DirecTV and Dish as DirecTV carrys
more national basic channels than Dish.Dish carrys one different HBO channel which is HBO Comedy where DirecTV carrys both feeds of HBO Family which I like.HBO alone costs more on Dish than DirecTV.Dish does carry three more Cinemax than DirecTV.But on DirecTV when you subscribe to any Premium Movie Service you also get the Sundance Channel.;)

Watching TV to me is the cheapest form of entertainment compared to taking the family out to the movies,concerts,ect..So that we agree.:D

We also try to watch quite a few documentaries to starve off the brain rot.:)

Also when DirecTV's D11 is activated there will be more HD locals plus more national basic channels in HD for 2008.:)
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btw, what do you think of the U-Verse, how do you like it ?
Some have had it and don't like it much others do....
Whats your take ?

Problem is, U-Verse is not available in a large part of the country yet.


I 've had it for about a month and like it just as well as D*. The 1 Hd is true for now but 2HD streams will be up by 2nd qtr 2008. Not really a issue not because we have 2 HD sets but they are rarely on at the same time. The SD is great also. You can record 1HD and 3SD at once while watching a pre-recorded program. The price bundle was hard to beat since I'm paying about what I was paying D* just for TV programming.
These price increases can't keep continuing with the way the economy is going. After so many of these it will price TV out of the range for most people or they will be forced to the cheapest possible package available.
Jhon - if you're talking the $40 rebate - that is converter boxes only, with no special features.

If you're talking the big tax rebates they are trying to make happen for later this year - then YES! It will buy us a lot more DIRECTV!
I received a update on the process of the price changes today:

Customers will begin receiving notification starting today.
-If you receive bill by mail - that's how they will tell you.
-If you receive paperless billing (website) - they will tell you via email.
-If your email bounces back - they then will mail you a special notice
-If your a partner Telco customer -they will mail you a special notice as well.

New rates start February 27th, so the first billing cycle you have starting after that.
So, for example, my billing cycle is Feb 18th, so my new rate would start March 18th. (I think)

Here is a key line from the note from D* - although vague - that may be new information:

Not all packages increased in price. Most increased by $3 per month. Premier increased by $5. A few one offs like Outdoor Channel a la carte went up $1 as did HBO. Distant Network Services also increased.

What I am not sure if was mentioned before by anyone is the DNS services going up as well. I hadn't seen that yet.

If it is new - I'm sorry - there is no increase amount mentioned as the the increase in DNS costs.
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