DirecTV Price Increase Effective 2/27/08

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To avoid another commitment when you replace a DVR don't you have to have the protection plan?:confused:

I emailed them a few months back and asked the same question. The reply I got back was that any equipment replacement (whether it be under protection plan or not) will add another commitment.
However you want to rationalize it is more than fine with me.

Rationalize ***what***???

Sir, I had DirecTV from late 1997 through January of last year. Last year's price increase was the final straw for me, so I jumped ship to Dish Network and its Top 100 package.

Some channels were lost when moving to that package, but it dropped my monthly rate down to something that I was comfortable with, given the limited amount of television that I watch any longer...and I'll remain with this package until its rate becomes too high to justify any longer. After that, I'll drop satellite TV completely, as there's no way in Hell that I'm going to spend $50.00 to $150 each month for satellite or cable service.
I think we will see more in the way of "On Demand" being more of a standard for television viewing before AT100 hits those kinds of prices, heck the name of the package will probably change before that happens too.
I emailed them a few months back and asked the same question. The reply I got back was that any equipment replacement (whether it be under protection plan or not) will add another commitment.
i have had 2 boxes replaced and neither time was my commitment extended. i verified this with customer service when boxes were activated by me. i was told the original commitment was in effect but not extended. also had an older box replaced and again no extension of commitment
Well according to this article, DirecTV has confirmed the rate increase we reported here. (See the highlighted text.)

DirecTV Plans Price Increase - 1/17/2008 9:29:00 AM - Multichannel News

DirecTV Plans Price Increase
$3 Package Hikes Set To Go Into Effect Feb. 27
By Linda Moss -- Multichannel News, 1/17/2008 9:29:00 AM

Like its satellite rival Dish Network, DirecTV is raisings prices on some of its program offerings this year.

According to and Scott Greczkowski, who writes a blog for Multichannel News, the nation's largest direct-broadcastsatellite provider will raise the rates for a variety of its packages, such as Choice and Plus HD DVR, by $3 a month effective Feb. 27.

DirecTV Thursday confirmed the rate increase, saying it will average about 4%.

Earlier this month, Dish Network announced it was freezing the price for its DishDVR Advantage offer until February 2009, but raising the rates on other popular packages, such as America's Top 100 and America's Top 200.

Overall, the Dish Network price increase average out to about 8%, according to Sanford C. Bernstein analyst Craig Moffett. Dish Network said customers who subscriber to non-DVR, a la carte packages would see an increase of about 3%.

"We've frozen prices on some of our most popular packages," Dish Network spokesman Kathie Gonzalez said. "Unfortunately, we cannot offset the unavoidable costs of increased television programming fees, which were more than 5% in 2007."
Rationalize ***what***???

Sir, I had DirecTV from late 1997 through January of last year. Last year's price increase was the final straw for me, so I jumped ship to Dish Network and its Top 100 package.

Some channels were lost when moving to that package, but it dropped my monthly rate down to something that I was comfortable with, given the limited amount of television that I watch any longer...and I'll remain with this package until its rate becomes too high to justify any longer. After that, I'll drop satellite TV completely, as there's no way in Hell that I'm going to spend $50.00 to $150 each month for satellite or cable service.

KA-BOOM (see below)

.....but like I said before, I feel I get a better overall deal & value from DirecTV and it's options and channels offered and you can justify your switch however you want as it is all fine with me. It just your running away to Dish logic is not very accurate; as in, you are not really getting away from an increase and not getting any better value. You are simply cutting your package down and saving a few bucks. Which again, is fine, its your money, you could have done the same with DirecTV mostly, but don't try to make it sound like your jump is allowing you to keep exactly what you had, what you WANTED, AND avoiding DirecTV's increase. Likely you will be losing channels (even if only one) that you want AND still paying said increase just to Dish now; they just would never admit to it. Heck, its got to the point now where everyone wants something for free and thinks companies don't have the right to set their prices and make money or just want something to complain about. I would love to see someone post ALL the costs for one person going to one movie and one sporting event each night of the month (I bet around $2250 for 30 days worth) ; now add 4 additional family members to that cost ($11250); now compare that to what DBS or cable TV services bring us in that same month for about $160 per month for a family of 5 (about what I pay per month for DirecTV PREM with NBA and NFL)? Its a relative bargain! BUT AGAIN, its fine with me if some people want to live in a hole, hold onto every dollar they have, and watch their local 5 - 10 channels of nothingness; its their money!

DirecTV Thursday confirmed the rate increase, saying it will average about 4%.

Earlier this month, Dish Network announced it was freezing the price for its DishDVR Advantage offer until February 2009, but raising the rates on other popular packages, such as America's Top 100 and America's Top 200.

Overall, the Dish Network price increase average out to about 8%
, according to Sanford C. Bernstein analyst Craig Moffett
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I dumped HBO, Showtime and the HD Extra a pack. You just had to know something was coming with the expense of the HD expansion, costs needed offsets. Investers mean a little more than customers in this decision. Of course when Dexter starts up again all add back Showtime. I am undecided on the NFL package for next year (which i've had been getting for 10 years).
Hi Guys

I don't like price increases either. However, with the US$ dollar loosing it's value at a fast rate in last few years, that will eventually cause inflation across the board. We have been lucky that inflation has been relatively under control, but for how long we can sustain it?
Verizon doesn't increase the FIOS prices:rolleyes:

From Verizon Sets First FiOS Rate Hike - 11/20/2006 6:55:00 PM - Multichannel News (11/20/06)

"Verizon Communications plans to raise the rates for its most widely distributed Verizon FiOS TV programming packages by 7.6% in January."

From Verizon to Boost FiOS TV Rates for New Subscribers - 11/20/2007 12:00:00 PM - Multichannel News (11/20/07)

"Verizon will kick up the price of its primary FiOS TV programming package by 12% for subscribers who sign up after Jan. 20, 2008."
Their triple play for 99 dollars for internet, phone and HDTV is less than my D* bill alone. BTW who said they dont raise prices? Certainly you have something to back up your little eye roll?
hopefully, the FCC will accelerate their decision on forcing providers to offer "ala carte" pricing and packages soon...
for those of us who only watch about 10 or 15 channels, EVER, this would definately help with the monthly bill..I'm sick of paying for the other 90% of channels I NEVER WATCH...
I dont see it happeneing.

While you watch only 10 or 15 channels, one of the channels you love is one of the channels no one else watches and is forced off the air for lack of subscribers.

Alacarte would ultimately cost you more for less programming then you have now. :(
I could care less what they charge, I didn't spent over 10k on TV equipment to stare at 2 TV Channels. Plus it helps keep my heating bill down under 300 bucks from all the gear running. And sweating from all the excitement on HDTV.
i have had 2 boxes replaced and neither time was my commitment extended. i verified this with customer service when boxes were activated by me. i was told the original commitment was in effect but not extended. also had an older box replaced and again no extension of commitment

Do you have the protection plan? I guess maybe I need to try emailing another CSR and see if I get a different response to the question. If having the protection plan makes it so you didn't have to re-up your commitment on a equipment swap that might make it worthwhile to me to get.
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