how does the broadband portion work? Via something like direcway?
If your broadband supplier is Direcway, which I had numerous years ago along with Starband. But this is my take on how things are going to work since I have an HR20, beta tester on the CE's and some past experience with VOD via broadband.
You search the catalog of titles, pick the title, and it starts to download to the harddrive on the D* unit. The request goes through your broadband connection (DSL, cable, Direcway/Starband/etc.) via your home network. Your account and receiver is validated based on your access card. I figure some will be subscription based like having Starz or HBO and others will be direct pay per views.
The program starts downloading and depending on your speed, will calculate how much needs to be cached before you watch it. When enough is cached, watch away. If your broadband is disconnected, it will start downloading again at the proper spot when it needs to. So as long as your stream is good, its just a matter of waiting the appropriate amount of time before you watch.
D* mentioned that for popular and larger titles, the stream will come via sat. That will probably work very similar to the way Directway does. Request goes over phone line (broadband in D*'s case), the ground operations center receives the request, then the request is delivered via the satellite probably with the Spaceways since they were designed to do 2 way broadband.
I've used the Xbox 360, Cinema Now, Vongo, and Movielink and they all work similarly. I really like the Xbox 360 due to ease, speed and picture. The HD movies look great albeit not as high quality as HD DVD or Blu Ray. They still need more titles and I would like to see more TV network stuff but good start in my opinion.
So with the combo of a hard drive with pre-loaded popular titles, a broadband connection, some content coming from satellite streams, this thing will be an incredible edition to the massive amount of promised HD. Now this is still all speculative and have yet to be seen but I think after they get the bugs out and get thousands of titles out there, D* will be one monster to compete against. I personally cant wait.