I have said time and again that the "let's make a deal" attitude or CSR roulette would eventually come back to bite the majority of customers. Calling in multiple times to shop for a better deal has finally started to fail.
I ask you: who encouraged the 'lets make a deal' attitude? The customers who called in or the company receiving the call?
I think its unreasonable for companies to offer better deals to new customers or special deals to customers who rub them the right way, but I understand why its done.
For what its worth, I think almost all customer service stinks these days. Its a rarity to find good customer service.
As far as the site-to-site-to-directv issue, here's my take on it. From what I understand, directv promised equal footing to both sites in the CE program, then decided to rescind that situation to this site. That seems petty to me, because what was the cost to directv to continue the relationship? One extra email address on a weekly mailing? A tech spending an extra half an hour looking at this site as well as the other to perhaps find bugs that satguys users might find that dbstalk users didnt? There seems no reason.
Until you synchronize that with dbstalk trumpeting their 'exclusive' ownership of the CE program. Clearly they were pushing for it and they got it, and you dont have to be a rocket scientist to know why.
About the only thing that comes of this is the guys on the other site think they got something special, the guys over here arent going to like it, some potential for additional value in the CE program was lost, and no cost savings or additional revenue for directv or either site were created.
In my opinion thats a really poor business decision, a bunch of game playing and from listening to others, at a minimum reneging on an agreement.
When you do stuff like that with human beings involved, the emotional pieces have to be factored in. There'll be anger and hurt feelings.