Directv moving A&E Nets out of Entertainment Package for current subs

Mr Tony

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 17, 2003
Mankato, MN
So today I went online (Directv stream) to change my programming from Entertainment to Choice (for the RSN) and noticed this popup when I logged in. I thought they would stay in the package as long as I dont make changes??? (I havent made changes yet as it wont let me change my CC online)
Yeah this is an interesting strategy, they did it with Nick Jr. a few years ago. You have to opt-in by the deadline to keep your stations if desired. Unlike grandfathering, buy doing it this way they can drop a big group that does not opt-in. Likely kick starts some savings toward the more expensive renewal agreement versus if they just move them up a package and grandfather everyone.

Interesting that it is A&E networks and a couple Turner networks, appears this is prompted by increased cost on two renewal agreements.

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