Quote where it says that in either of the articles posted.
The reality is if they conduct that poll today they'll probably get wildly different results. Streaming allows people to be fickle and turn them off and on as needed - and the services are designed to support that. Netflix has the highest average cost, that naturally drives churn - but they've also gained millions of subs since that article.
If anything, their master stroke w/ password sharing crackdowns could result in a net gain of subs if done right. I know if for some reason mom couldn't stream Netflix while we do at home (my kids are frequently at her house, so my services are all logged in there) then we'd spin up another sub for her, for example.
To circle this back around to the actual topic rather than one of your incessant rabbit holes, subscribing mom to her own Netflix would also likely hasten her departure from DirecTV as our overall costs increase and we prioritize the better value propositions.