Had to reboot my HR20 this morning. Turned everything off and went out for a couple of hours. When I got back I had to reboot all over again. WTF?
I've had intermittent problems with my HR20 not responding to the remote over the last month or so, but this morning it was totally locked up. Neither the remote nor the buttons on the receiver had any effect. Rebooted and it worked -- for about an hour. So far I've had to reboot three times. I should do it again but I guess I'll just give up and watch one channel. At least I seem to have lots of company. And at least my other two receivers (both old fashioned non-HD) seem to be working fine. I assume the problem must be on their end but they'd better fix it soon or they will have a mass uprising. This is ridiculous.
Is this sent out with a software update??
Does this explain wht this is happening the last few weeks for some people??
Both of my HD-DVRs were working fine last night. This evening, both would not come on and appeared to be totally dead. I pushed the reset button and the power and eventually both restarted as if they had lost power. Both are on UPSs, so that's not likely, and there are no signs of a power failure elsewhere in the house.
I'm new to the HD-DVRs. What would cause both to do this simultaneously?
My understanding is that is isn't a software problem. Something in the broadcast (satellite to your box) went wrong. This could be guide data, authorizations, actual channels, lots of things.
The problem affected thousands of boxes that were not connected to a network/internet. This was not an internet related problem.
Whatever it was, it came from the satellite stream.
I don't feel like reading through this whole thread to get my answer. My box locked up. I unplugged it for a minute and plugged it back in, but then apparently there are still issues. if you turn it off again you can't get it back on unless you unplug the power cord and plug it back in. What the hell did DirecTV do and whats the latest software for it? Very confused.